Super Commanche single shot pistol.


New member

What an oddball gun this is.

I got to handle one at the gun show this past weekend,,,
It looks like someone had a lot of random parts,,,
And said, "Wonder what I could make?"

Click here please,,,

The one I handled was the 6 inch version,,,
The man had a $200.00 price tag on the pistol,,,
But immediately said that he would take $175.00 for it.

These guns are somewhat cheaply made,,,
The fit and finish could be better.

But the one I held opened and closed smoothly,,,
And the trigger wasn't horrible at all.

I have no need for a 45/410 pistol,,,
But I can see how this gun could be useful,,,
It would be a good tractor gun for that farmer who hates snakes..

My immediate thought was,,,
This would be really cool in .22 rimfire,,,
Market them in pairs as "Dueling Range Toys".

After years of seeing pictures of this oddity,,,
I was pleasantly surprised by it.

If they made these in .22 rimfire,,,
I think I would buy two and encase them as a set.

They would make fun range plinkers,,,
I could see lots of fun little betting games at the range.


If they made these in .22 rimfire,,,
I think I would buy two and encase them as a set.
Call you two gun Pete, er, Aarond.
A friend who operated an auto repair shop kept two fake dueling pistols in an authentic looking case.
Whenever a customer started complaining about something, he'd haul them down from the shelf behind his desk and open the case.
The customers would either fall down laughing, or run away screaming something about crazy people.
Either way, it solved most complaints very quickly.
I once owned a Lhama Super Commanche revolver, it was in .44 mag and had been beautifully finished in color case hardening, it appeared to be a S&W M29 clone with a vent ribbed barrel, nothing like the eye sore in your link...:)
Hello Badfinger and g.willikers,,,

I've seen those llama pistols you referred to,,,
Yep, they looked like a cross 'twixt an Anaconda and a Model 29.

I agree that in the pic the single-shot looks very funky,,,
But in reality it wasn't nearly that ugly.

Homely is the word I would use.

But the odd little gun felt surprisingly nice in my hand,,,
The grip is very much like a SAA revolver
And, it seemed tightly built.

Anyone who knows me here realizes I have a thing for cased sets of guns,,,
It doesn't even have to be a set of guns,,,
Anything cased draws my eyes.

There was one table at the recent Wannenmacher's gun show,,,
This man probably had 50 cased guns and paired sets,,,
I had to stand away for fear of drooling on them.

Way back in time when I was a little kid,,,
I used to spend weekends with a great aunt and uncle,,,
He had a cased set of what I think must have been Steven's .22 pistols.

We would go into his back yard with a box of shorts and a six-pack,,,
Sitting on a big log he would drink a beer thus making a target,,,
We would then trade shots at the can until he drank another.

That summer when I visited them often was idyllic,,,
I'm sure those memories are why I like cased guns and dueling pairs.

I have tried to make a cased set of modern dueling pistols,,,

But as you can see the case itself needs a bit more aesthetic work.

Rather than just have them laying on the material,,,
I need to make divided sections and cover them in felt cloth.

It's an ongoing thing.


I think they were just pretending to be Llamas. I picked one up in 22 magnum for around $100. Comanche is the brand name (unlike a model name, such as Llama Comanche), and it was made in Argentina, rather than Spain.

Maybe there are real ones out there and mine is just a knockoff?

The chamber was a little too tight and I had to polish it a bit so the empties would eject. The trigger is awful. Even for $100 it was not a good deal.
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I've always wanted........ of those. Would be a little handier than the Snake Charmer that I've dispatched so many pests with. Lot of posts and a some YouTube vids about them. They actually group the shot pretty well. One post I came across showed how an owner shaved off all the adjustable sighting and just put a bead on it. Looked real good. That was one of the ten inchers.
They are the poor man's TC. Only in 45/410. Single action works and a plastic grip. Not a pretty gun however they are around $200. Made in South America. One of the few guns I gave away.
Colt made those little derringers,,,

Colt made those little derringers,,,
And they sold as a novelty gun for years.

It wouldn't take too much to design/create a simple 6-8" barrel version.

Actually the company to do this would be North American Arms.

Their guns are considered (by many) to be novelty items anyway,,,
So creating a set of target single-shots wouldn't be a stretch for them.

A few years back I looked at getting two of the Rossi Matched Pair handguns,,,
But to tell the truth they are unwieldy and lack any aesthetic appeal.

I should just get two TC Contenders with .22 barrels,,,
They do have the aesthetics and quality,,,
But they are so danged expensive. :eek:

I should buy some tools and learn to make them myself. :rolleyes:


Had one for a while . . .

I had a super comanche, longer barrel, for several years. Bought it to squirrel hunt with the 410. Lots of fun. The barrel was rifled. It had two barrel "ends" that screwed on. One with no rifling for shooting 45LC and one with straight grooves to stop the 410 loads from spinning. Finally sold it as an auction. Lotta people wanted it.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young