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While House Chief of Staff John Podesta appeared on one of the sunday a.m. news shows, talking of Clinton iniatives for the rest of his term.

Naturally, he mentioned gun control, which he described as "common sense gun control" that would be pushed both in and out of the Congress. Interestingly, while Clintons ideas might well be "common", they seem quite far from "sensible".

Another theme Podesta mentioned was that old saw about "do it for the children". Re that, I seem to recall that Mark Twain observed that "patriotism was the last resort of scoundrels". I believe that the relationship between the two is obvious.

Heard this a.m., on a radio newscast, that Clinton wants to spend $10,000,000 on the development of "smart gun" technology. Strikes me that there is nothing much wrong with guns, as they are these days made. There are however, problems with dumb people. These problems will NOT be solved by pissing away taxpayer funds on Buck Rogers type foolishness. The fools have always been with us, and liklely they always will be.

In all this, one sees absolutely no justification for abridgment of the rights of the law abiding, who are the same folks who devote the requisite attention to their firearms.

It does appear that this concept is beyond the grasp of Clinton and Co. Perhaps, in their remaining time, a showing of public angst might prove sufficient to impress them, or more importantly, to impress The Congress.
Total waste.
When high tech meets low tech brute force. Low tech wins every time. Let em spend the 10 mil, then let somebody use a pair of pliers to rip the damned thing off in front of Congress.
Unfortunately, I can pretty much guarantee you that the 'User-Only' gun circuitry will be set to disable the firearm if the circuitry is tampered with or the batteries yanked.

Actually, LawDog, I recall seeing a program in which Colt's or S&W's (I can't remember which) prototype smart gun would actually default to fire-enabled if there is a problem with the technology side.

On that "default to fire enable" that you mentioned, how long would going to "default" take?

I had seen film of, or comment on a demonstration of Colt's so-called "smart gun".Turned out that it was to slow for practical use, not to mention being unreliable.

Comment from LEO's allegedly present during the test/demonstration indicated that the technology had a long way to go, before it got to where it needed to be, if it ever got there.
Default to enable. Hmmm.

So I have to spend God only knows how much money to buy a gun my wife can't use to protect our kids. But the bad guy who steals my gun can take off anything combustible (eg grips), clean the handgun, leave it dry, put it in an oven hot enough to screw up it's "smartness", and (when it "defaults to enable") Mr. Scum can then use my gun any way he wants.

*IF* that's true, then ... well,... never mind.