Sunday in the yard....


New member
Today I cast a few 452389 button wadcutters. They look like fun little plinkers.

And then I coated them.

And I also cast some really soft C358-180s, both large and small HPs.



I think I'll put some soda-can PB checks on these and see how they do on water jugs.
Better put some zip into your loads for those water jugs. I hear they can be big, mean, tough critters that almost require armor piercing rounds for penetration. :)

Nice looking bullets. Those C358-180s from a Mihec mold?
the weather was nice today, overcast and breezy, finally tried out the lee 356-120-TC

had to keep this mold moving really fast to keep good pour, but they turned out nice, i was going for shiny, so i did 55% WW, 45%pure and added 1/5 of a pound of tin to 14pds, got through about 500 pretty quick, ill get back at it tomorrow
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Those do look really nice and shiny! Good job!
And you can't wait to get to the next casting session...... it's definitely got you.
oh yeah, i am going to end up with thousands of bullets that i will never get around to loading, but the cost savings is extraordinary, to be able to knock 7c off each, already cheap, bullet will be cool
I know the feeling. It looks like we're only going to have one day without rain this weekend, and the yard needs mowed, the garden needs tilling, I got a step loose by the back door, but... I got two new molds for my .270 that have never seen lead, and a .278 push thru sizer from Buckshot that arrived today... what to do? what to do. :rolleyes:
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what to do? what to do.


You had better get those things knocked out, or your better half may knock out something instead...:eek: On a side note, I got your sample package ready to go, just need to get by the PO and drop it off.


Yep your caught up in it now for sure. Won't be long till your posting up pictures of a table full of bullets all in a nice rowed formation. Course your target pictures will start to disappear, and your loads will cease, but you WILL have bullets for certain. LOL

Don't get me wrong, I have several thousand sitting within 15' of me at this minute. Some are sized and lubed, but most are in boxes and pans waiting to be. I just haven't had the time to get on them like I should. When I DO though, I will be posting up some nice expansion shots, as well as some REALLY dead paper, and possibly even a critter thrown in for good measure.:D
well, i got off at 6am this morn, smeared some alox on em, i will actuallt load these up tonight to shoot tomorrow, i need to fing out if i am shooting better sized or un-sized, i am leaning toward unsized since these are dropping right at 356 or 0005 under, but ill give it a try anyway
No, I didn't shoot em. I don't have a gun for em. I just bought the mold 'cause I thought they looked cool. :p

But I was showin' em around at work and found out that my boss does have a gun that'll shoot em, so I gave em to him.
No, I didn't shoot em. I don't have a gun for em. I just bought the mold 'cause I thought they looked cool.

<--- This guy also has a gun for them :). I'm sure he would love to run them through a ladder test and see what they can do! :D

What grain do those 452389BWC drop at?

I also have the Lee 356120TC and they shoot nice out of my 9mm. I was shooting them with some Tac1 lube with good results. Sometime I want to work up a ladder test with carnauba red lube.