

New member
Worked a bit to long and hard on Saturday so when it came time for me and Louann to hit the woods looking for turkeys on Sunday......well.....ain't neither of us the spring chickens we used to it was a little late when we went through the gate.

After talking about we decided that the polite thing to do was not go driving in and screwing up whoever was already in and set up. This decision of course left us out in the woods at sunrise with nothing on the agenda so we came up with Plan B.....go exploring.

The pictures ( Headwaters of Rice Creek near Palatka, Fl. )kind of speak for themselves.

Ended up spending almost 3 hours following the creek and just enjoying the cool morning. Did hear a turkey off in the distance but as this is state land closed to hunting ( Butts up to our place. ) we had only the camera.

All in all another successful hunt.......especially as we did not get to awfully involved with either of the items in the last 2 pictures.

In one you can even see a old logging bridge that was used back when they hauled the old growth cypress out, a stump of which Louann is standing next to in the very last picture.






Thats good....I like that terrain....In some ways it reminds me of some of the river bottom land I hunt....I will post some pics next time I head out that way and just walk around....
Aaahhhh.... I look at that and it reminds me of home! Cabbage palms, cypress, tanic-stained water!

Then there are those @#$%$% cypress knees I'd always walk into in the dark, cottonmouths...

Looks awful pretty! Thanks for sharing!

Man, I hate that snake. I mean absolutely detest that particular critter.

I've had more close calls with them than any other poisonous snake, including one that was rafted up in DECEMBER, in Arkansas, on a duck hunt with me crotch deep in waders. Geez that critter was right there.

Their other nasty habit seems to be to appear in a perfectly decent hardwood hollow, miles from any swamp or lowland, that has a trickle of a stream in it.

WE've got two varieties of rattlers, and a ton of copperheads, and I don't mind sharing the woods with them too much at all. No real problems. But it's cottonmouths that seem to turn up where you least expect them and get all nasty.
Yeah..I don't like cottonmouths either....That one pic has a pretty good stand of poison ivy too....
Neat looking country. I'd like to give it a look myself someday. That's the kind of terrain that I half expect to see a dinosaur. I guess one really could considering the gator is a dinosaur of sorts.