Summertime concealed carry: what clothing works for you


New member
I have just now gotten my CCW and in Tennessee it is full winter time. Finding a way to stay concealed and comfortable is not a problem right now. Highs run in the 40-50 range and lows will get all the way down to zero so almost any winter coat or sweatshirt works well.

What I'd like to know is what I'm going to do in the summertime when the mercury hits high 90s and low 100s? I will have gotten used to being able to carry and I WILL NOT want to stop.

What clothing works best for you during summer months when hot is an understatement?

Thanks in advance!
Well, I'm up in Massachusetts so weather is about the same.
In the summer, I carry a G-26 in an Uncle Mike's IWB right in the shorts. Can't even tell.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
I have shoulder rig,SOB,cross draw,IWB,and a regular straight drop. I find the each work best in different circumstances.
I find a shoulder rig works best for me in the winter.

I'm a fellow Tennessean and I struggled for years over the summer carry thing. My solution was prompted by a co-worker who likes those big Hawaiian shirts. I caught some on sale at a local Department Store and bought a couple for $9 each. The originals from Hawaii cost $90 or more! I also stocked up on those "safari" type shorts with big pockets and belt loops - they work great too! Hell, I even got some sandals to finish the look.

You won't make the cover of GQ but they work great and cover most any gun up to a full size 1911. After folks get used to seeing you in them they don't even prompt a fashion comment. Get the darker colors with big prints on them. Can't see through them that way. If you just cant take the Hawaiian look then get any good cotton square bottom button down shirt that fits a little big. I've tried the polo type and they are just too flimsy to keep from printing.

I live in Florida where the winter lasts like two weeks, and in summer it gets to 100 degrees. I usually wear shorts, a tucked in tanktop with an untucked polo shirt or t shirt over an IWB strongside holster in which I carry a full size 1911. Has worked for me for years now.

Thank you for responding to my ?

All I really wanted to know was what most "normal" people wear when carrying during hot weather. I had no interest in your taste for women's fashion or in which type of women's G-String underwear you like to use!

Thanks anyway, but there are probably other forums available that might better suit your tastes and other "special needs".

I've got three nice, thick medium blue button up shirts that hang down to the bottom of my tush, and would be great for CCW, with a tucked in tight white t-shirt or wife-beater underneath...
If you don't like the Hawaiian print, or the shirt mentioned above, replace it with whatever fits your style... and I agree with the dark colors thing, and make it a thicker shirt if possible (not likely to be as see-through, and is less likely to be blown up in the wind... I think because they are open, I am not noticeably much hotter, if any hotter, wearing those overshirts...and it gets to be into the 110's here in the CA valley.
Also, depending on the area you are in, hip pouches are a good idea. They sell hip pouches meant specifically for carrying guns even, with extra little pouches for mags. The only problem in that, comes in an area like this, where hip pouches are WAY out of style. If you are wearing a hip pouch here, you probably then have a mustache, and are most certainly a cop. Although I understand that in places like Chicago, these pouches are considered trendy, so.... like I said, this could be a good/bad idea depending on fashion trends there.
Personally, I wish hip pouches were "in" here, because honestly, I am tired of bulky pockets.. and then again, who cares if you look like a cop? There are worse things to look like! I mean, looking like a cop dressed off-duty, could ward away potential BG's and maybe even gain you a little respect... hehe... Now that I think about it, I wonder if there are any stores that sell those around here!
Hope this helps... Oh yeah, and be sure to tell your friends that you have a CCW, it is a good preventative measure. I don't have a CCW, but I was carrying mine around the house just tucked in the back of my pants (with apparel described above) and an old buddy came by... He slapped me on the back and I TOTALLY tensed up, just nerves I guess, I think he noticed that, but hit barely above the gun... It made me realize how careful you have to be when carrying.. In a public recurrence, the same thing could have had devastating effects with his hand hitting my back a little lower...
Whoever told me to practice carrying around the house, to learn how to conceal better in public, deserves my MANY thanks... very helpful.
I hope this has been some help... Sorry So Long

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Hey, Robertthe41magfan got BURNED,OUCH! Any way, I use a Kramer belt scabbard that holds the gun right up against the body. Use one for my Sig239 and S&W 66. Even with a light T-shirt, very hard to see at all.

[This message has been edited by dent guy (edited December 21, 1999).]
I follow Tim Burke's example except with a Taurus 605. However, if I want to wear my .45 in the ARG, the Tropic Weight vest from Concealed Carry Clothiers ( is great. Don't worry about what size "gun pocket" to get with it; it's a waste of time. I ended up taking out the velcro tabs in the front pockets of the vest.
A button down loose-weave cotton shirt goes well over a T shirt and will hide just about anything if left untucked & unbuttoned. (I live in SC, so I know all about hot, humid summers.)

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center
Just ordered my Xmas present and hopefully answer to the question of summer carry. Kahr MK40, and I'll be trying a pager pal and pocket holsters to start. Smallest, highly reliable 40/9 design I could find. The G19 was just too big for summer attire for me.
I have 2 taurus ti models, the model 85 UL multialloy, and the 44 special, which will both fit in your pocket.

Any good pair of shorts, particularly hiking shorts, that have a large pocket will suffice.

I also have a "smart-carry" holster that fits around the waist, above the underwear, if I want to carry my Sig P228, or Taurus PT111.
Dear X-KILL,
I live in Arizona. During the summer it gets up to 110-115+ degrees. The only carry mode that makes any sense at all is to buy shorts with BIG pockets. I carry my Makarov, or my Taurus M85 in a pocket holster. I have to give up carrying my beloved Walther P99(sob,sob :( :() because it is to big to fit into a pocket. However, Arizona is an open carry state, so I also have that option.

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
Texas, where it's hot all the time.

Lots of pocket guns. Mine is a 642.
Buddies do Kel-tecs, snubbie Taurus,
Kahr Mk-9s.

I also do a Glock 26 or 27 in a Milt
Sparks IWB with an XL polo shirt flopped
over it or a Tee shirt with a light wt.
shirt over it. LLBean makes some
soft flopped summer shirts.

Back up is a NAA 22 S mini 5 shot revolver
in a watch pocket. It's real cute.
Okay I'll have a little fun. How big a boy are you? I've got a fairly large friend (read 325+) who wears baggy khakis and conceals a 4" S&W mod 19 on his ankle.

For everyone else: Florida remember,

a 1911 in a Galco IWB with a tank top undershirt tucked in. Anything bigger than a loose T-shirt will hide it. Primarily go with a T-shirt and unbuttoned, and untucked casual button down. If windy button bottom to avoid exposing your piece.

Concealed carry isn't that hard to manage you have to take into account what type of clothing you wear on a daily basis and play with it to cover your gun.

Hell, with the Gangsta style ie baggie everything, you probably could carry a 60mm Mortar tube and no one would notice.


Root Hog or Die Poor
Ditto NAA.

Just don't peek in my fanny pack (only worn when neck hairs tingle).

"All my ammo is factory ammo"