Sum-more southern political "humor"


Staff In Memoriam
First and I foremost I am thankfull of all the soldiers who KICKED ASS since the 1770's to give me the right to post my rants on a public forum!
I am also THANKFUL my lineage past down the gene that put the hair on my chest to NEVER remove a post or thread cuz others are upset are opposed to my RANTS... I do try to be diplomatic/respectful of everyone even the ones I feel are making a mistake not voting or the ones committing something close to Baker Act material voting for either Democrap offering.
But today my 16 year old daughter says "I am voting for Obama" I said well first he is for socialist ideals that will spend us under the rug and second yer only sixteen you ain't voting but daddy is happy you are PLANNING to vote... I said unfortunately for America if Obama wins now he is gonna be voted out next go round...
She looks at me in a kinda know-it-all/perplexed look (I love that look all smarty pants dumb at the same time teenage daughter gives) and says "I will be 18 for just over a month before the election!" HuHHHH says I?:confused::rolleyes:
I got to a quick math session.... one second later I tell her this november she will be ONLY 17... She says "DUHHHH the election is in 2010... my history teacher said so...!" Well honey if yer HISTORY teacher hadn't FLUNKED math class or stayed out of the night clubs she mighta known Reagan was shot in 1980... doing math on my fingers.... up until 2000 election... need toes.... fast forward to 2008... She says "Well tell my HISTORY teacher that says Obama is best for change in America..." No says I we need to mind our own business as stupid rednecks and let Ms.Edge-a-ma-cated teacher vote in 2010..."
some literary freedom may have been used in this text but the jist is true as death and taxes!
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1. This is a private forum and anything we post is subject to moderation and deletion by the ownership. Consider yourself hanging out in Rich Lucibella's living room; we get to speak our minds in here as long as we follow his rules and that's how it should be.

2. Perhaps your daughter may have gotten it wrong and either misunderstood the teacher or wasn't listening very closely.
Redworm, You may well be right but my daughter was ready to drag me to school to embarrass me until ONE total ONE google search for 2008 election pacified her soul...
Facts? I posted a conversation between a daddy (Me) and my 16 year old daughter (Bri). I may have embolished on the convo but all the pertinent info is as spoken... I hope you didn't think it was all fiction and expect to vote in 2010...
But I still hope this guffaw teacher holds back her vote for socialist leadership until then...
not at all, I remember what it was like to be 16 so I didn't doubt your tale one bit :p just saying that perhaps it was her own misunderstanding of the teacher's comments and not the teacher's error that caused the problem in the first place

It certainly wouldn't surprise me to hear about a teacher getting something so incredibly wrong but I'd recommend giving her the benefit of the doubt until you know for sure. At the very least I would give her a call and find out because if she is teaching these kids wrong information about elections then something should be done about it. But ask her first before going to her superiors.
I hope all the Obama supporters turn out in droves and vote in 2010. I've met plenty of teachers that make it at least possible that your daughter heard her right.
You do know there will be a 2010 election, right?

Just not a Presidential election. Congressmen, some Senators, and some Govenors, but President is every 4 years. Every Leap Year, in fact. Every 2 years we elect Congressmen and Senators (4 and 6 year terms, staggered so not all are elected every time). Not certain about Govenors, most states are 4 year terms, I think, and I do know that they are staggered as well.

The next Presidential election (after this coming one) will be 2012, as the big rock that is coming to wipe us all out isn't scheduled to get here until December that year.;)
I think that many teachers have become left-wing indoctrinators instead of educators. Teaching what to think instead of how to think. Right after 9/11, my neighbor's 6th grade daughter's class got a writing assignment from their left-wing teacher. The assignment was to write a paper describing why the USA brought 9/11 on itsself.:confused:
I do full well realize we vote every 2 years... more often for local voting needs. I do INSIST I vote every time and make this clear when taking a job and also if a boss thinks he is too hard pressed for my time than to let me leave to go vote I will just QUIT! The job not the voting...
In lawn maint. I had a non voting boss but he knew full well I would go vote or quit and go vote... As many hours in a pickup as we spent together he learned real quick not to bitch... I told him he could go in and vote democrat if he didn't want my smug smile telling him "Well pull up yer under-roos and shut up my guy is president and yer guy.... ooops you didn't even vote... DIDJA?"
My choice may not win but my choice got a vote from me and for that I earn the right to whine a little :o
I left a Democratic state, (Illinois), and a town of 150,000 people, (Rockford), for a Republican state, (Florida), for a town you'll probably never even find, (Waldo, yes it really exists), partly for this very reason. I got tired of listening to all the BS from the leftists telling me what was wrong with the right and Bush and how he planned 9/11 just to get us into Iraq and shall we go on and on and on and on and on. Funny thing, most of these people never voted. One last thing though, because of family problems, our teenage nephews moved in with us for a few years, and there teachers busted there butts trying to help us give the boys get a good education. We made a point not to talk politics when we were dealing with the boys, and that worked.
Just not a Presidential election. Congressmen, some Senators, and some Govenors, but President is every 4 years. Every Leap Year, in fact. Every 2 years we elect Congressmen and Senators (4 and 6 year terms, staggered so not all are elected every time). Not certain about Govenors, most states are 4 year terms, I think, and I do know that they are staggered as well.

The next Presidential election (after this coming one) will be 2012, as the big rock that is coming to wipe us all out isn't scheduled to get here until December that year.
Perhaps the teacher was referring to the idea that Obama would run for senate in 2010 if he doesn't get the White House. :confused:
Isn't it more likely that the girl misinterpreted what the teacher said?
Kind of like the old party game 'telephone' where you whisper a message from one kid to another all around the room? Changes in the message don't happen all at once but rather as they are passed from one to the other. The first kid might say something like "We're going to steal everything you earn and make you slaves," but by the time it gets around the room it is "We're going to make the rich pay for all their past oppression and give you your entitlements and rights".
bul* wack

I believe the girl and you know why?because I talk to my retired cousin the teacher."what does the first amendment say"not my area of teaching says she.huh say I.I learned the constitution in school in CIVIC class.the history in history class and geography in geog class.not social study class.where they teach socialism.wake up your children are being brain washed.DADDY" guns are bad they are only to kill people.":(---:barf:---:rolleyes:
Yes I know what I face havin' Bri in public school no matter how rural. But after I insisted she shoot the .22 rifle las fall she is a nearly FIRST class redneck... "Daddy where are the bulllets? I seem me a dove to kill..." Now if I could get her to try the 20 gauge she would never look back.. I oughta leave it be since .22 are cheapest but dang I wanna tech her to LEAD the bird in flight...
Isn't it more likely the girl misinterpreted what the teacher said?

Not at all. My neighbor had two children in this school. Their homeroom teachers said that my neighbor should take her children to another school due to this type of problem being commonplace. The teachers went with my neighbor and my wife to a home school store and got books to complete the year. The neighbor homeschooled for a year and my wife helped with the math and science for free. My wife has a BS degree in Industrial Engineering. The girl is in her regular grade after this. The boy advanced 2 years in math ahead of his grade level.
Sadly, I'm no longer young enough to know it all.

Gladly, I'm old enogh to not believe much of anything said by current education majors.

Todays kids are as bright as they ever were. Unfortunately, that does not apply to the school systems.