Suit and site updates, again - plus "recipe for FOI"

Jim March

New member
Yet more cool stuff is going on with my lawsuit and website. Richmond's Chief has agreed to end the more obvious illegal issuance policies, such as zero-issue and agrees that every applicant must be judged on their own merits. And he realizes there's gonna be constant monitoring for the "deeper constitutional" issues of bias, cronyism, elitism, etc.

So we'll see. Once the agreement is on paper in a week or so, I'll post details on the website on exactly how to apply, what I know of the policies/prices, etc. Richmond residents only, I'm afraid - but this could really help the continuing suit against the County and Sheriff, who are taking a much harder line so far.

Next: I've been informed that 200 PDs and Sheriffs have been hit with a Freedom Of Information Act request on CCW issuance policies and "who's got 'em, who got denied" in a massive effort to expose bias and illegality. As that data comes available I'll post it to my site - meanwhile, I've taken their request, tweaked it, commented on it and set it up as a "boilerplate" for launching your own FOI request on your Chief/Sheriff, see what the heck they're really up to. As DC can attest, asking for this stuff FREAKS THEM OUT and if I recall right, she got turned down cold. Using the form and language on my site, I recommend she try again and they're a WHOLE lot less likely to ignore it!

I don't think anything similar exists anywhere else on the web.

Jim March
As Cartman would say, "Kick ass!"

If they refuse a FOIA, it's one more thing they can be sued over, and ultimately, removed from office. Turn up the heat at the state Attorney General's Office.

Ya done good, dude!