Suicides getting more inventive in Japan


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Maybe this is why the Japanese government doesn't trust their people with firearms; they would just shoot themselves.

Hundreds flee homes in Otaru after man kills himself by inhaling deadly gas
Thursday 01st May, 06:20 PM JST

About 350 people fled their homes in northern Japan on Thursday to escape poisonous fumes released by a neighbor who killed himself by mixing detergent and other chemicals—the latest in a series of such suicides.

The panic in Otaru came just hours after national police urged Internet providers to crack down on websites spurring a wave of detergent-related suicides in which 50 people have reportedly died in the past month.

The rash of such suicides in Japan—which already has one of the world’s highest suicide rates—has triggered widespread concern because the powerful fumes can seriously harm bystanders and rescuers.

In Otaru, on the northern island of Hokkaido, a 24-year-old man mixed the chemicals in his house after midnight. He died and the gas—hydrogen sulfide—escaped his home, and neighbors were alerted by the smell, a Hokkaido police official said.

The man’s 58-year-old mother, who was apparently overcome by the fumes, was found unconscious nearby and was taken to a hospital. Police said she was recovering.

About 350 neighbors fled to a nearby school playground where they stayed for about two hours until the fumes dispersed, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.

Last week at least 90 people were sickened by fumes in southwestern Japan when a teenage girl killed herself by mixing laundry detergent with cleanser in her apartment.

Alarmed by the wave of detergent suicides, the National Police Agency urged Internet providers Wednesday to delete materials from websites showing readers how to mix the chemicals, officials said Thursday. Some sites reportedly provide “poison gas” warnings that viewers can print out and hang outside their doors when they kill themselves.

The police request was the first action against the detergent suicides taken by the Japanese government, which has announced the goal of cutting the suicide rate by 20% in 10 years by reducing unemployment, boosting workplace counseling and filtering websites that promote suicide.

Reports said more than 50 people have killed themselves by inhaling hydrogen sulfide in the past month. Police say they have yet to compile data on such deaths.

Seiji Yoshikawa, deputy head of the Internet Hot Line, which operates under the guidelines of police, said the number of sites promoting detergent suicides soared in April.

“They are rife on the Internet. Writing examples include ‘you can die easily and beautifully’ and ‘this is much easier than charcoal-burning suicide,” Yoshikawa said, referring to a once-popular suicide method.

Hydrogen sulfide gas is colorless and characterized by an odor similar to that of rotten eggs. When inhaled, it can lead to suffocation or brain damage.

Annual suicides in Japan passed the 30,000 mark in 1998, near the height of an economic slump that left many bankrupt, jobless and desperate.

A total of 32,155 people killed themselves in 2006, giving the country the ninth highest suicide rate in the world, according to the government.

Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Hydrogen sulfide gas is colorless and characterized by an odor similar to that of rotten eggs. When inhaled, it can lead to suffocation or brain damage.

What a terrible, terrible, smelly way to die. It isn't just the stuff of rotten eggs; it's the stuff of... um... flatulence.

He died and the gas—hydrogen sulfide—escaped his home, and neighbors were alerted by the smell

Can you imagine that? OH MY GOD WHO FARTED? OPEN THE WINDOWS! Oh wait, it's coming from outside! Nobody light no matches! It stinks! It stinks!

Unless there was some sort of mental disease involved, or blackmail, or external force, suicide is just... well every mainstream wing of every major religion pretty much has the same opinion on that. Especially if it's suicide by stinkbomb.

In other news, Japanese legislators are set to vote on a bill calling for detergent control. Citizens will have to fill out a Forms 3744.10(a)(5)§2.7 and 3744.12(c)(2)§9.16 in order to prove compentency with the operation of detergent. High-capacity containers or bottles of detergent, or those exceeding 10 cups, will henceforth be illegal. The openings of detergent bottles must meet strict regulations so as not to allow automatic pouring.
They need to license and register buckets and washing machines.:)

They need a 10 day waiting period and background checks before selling this dangerous stuff to the average person. They will sell detergent and cleaning products to children at supermarkets with no license. They need to close the detergent loophole for the children.:eek:

You know they allow unlicensed Janitors to use this stuff in schools.:eek:

Tokyo needs to pass an ordinance outlawing detergent.


"Japan is finished I mean. People are iwa-mushi (weak worms). Used to be do hara kiri like samurai, now die by too much onara (farting)? Mukatska (disgusting)!"

I am reading a biography of Mishima. SWMBO was impressed because he is Japanese "hero". Imagine, a pacifist Japanese Hippie chick thinking a fascist writer who committed seppuku is a hero. makes me wonder if I should lock up the kitchen knives...

WildbanzaiAlaska ™
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They need to license and register buckets and washing machines.

They need a 10 day waiting period and background checks before selling this dangerous stuff to the average person. They will sell detergent and cleaning products to children at supermarkets with no license. They need to close the detergent loophole for the children.

You know they allow unlicensed Janitors to use this stuff in schools.

Tokyo needs to pass an ordinance outlawing detergent.

I don't want to take away anyone's right to clean clothes, but I too support sensible detergent laws!
I don't want to take away anyone's right to clean clothes, but I too support sensible detergent laws!

At the very least, there should be laws against carrying detergent on trains/busses and in places that serve alcohol.
You may have the containers; but they must be kept empty at all times and locked in a secure location and the contents must be stored separately at another location.

Anyone who owns over a certain number of empty containers must be licensed as owning a laundromat.

Anyone owning over a certain amount of the contents must be licensed as a gas chamber storage facility.

These licenses would not apply to those willing to store their containers and contents at their local laundro club.
You guys think you're being funny, but you're not. You're completely ignoring the tremendous social cost of private detergent ownership.

"....and let's not forget the neglegent discharges of gas from lack of competence in stubborn stain removal. Proficiencey training and a demostration of need are resonable, common sense measures."
We all know what this means. Now it's just a matter of time before the Democrats want a bill passed about outlawing concealed carry of detergent in NYC and Washington DC.
Just as long as the containers are not black because then they would be classed as "tactical containers" and the media would go into a frenzy.:D
I think we should restrict any container more than 1/2 gallons, no honest man needs more than 25 loads in a single container.
You guys think you're being funny, but you're not. You're completely ignoring the tremendous social cost of private detergent ownership.

According to the Brady Campaign,
"detergent in the home increases suicide rates dramatically. Consider this: The risk of homicide in the home is three times greater in households with detergent."

But, their whites have never been whiter!