suggstion for luber


New member
I'm thinking of trying my hand at casting. Could someone recommend a luber sizer? I'm thinking one is going to run me around 180$. Is there anything with a little less cost. I've never shot bullets with alox? So I'm kind of leary of it.
Lee makes a much cheaper system with stand alone sizing dies and liquid alox that is applied after sizing, but i don't really like it, others seem to have good luck with it.

I use the RCBS luber/sizer, it could use a heater on it for an upgrade to keep the stiffer lubes soft when sizing/lubing, other than that I like it just fine, I tend to drive my lead pretty hard, I have had better luck with the harder wax-ish type lubes.
If you are looking to cast and size a LOT of bullets (1000+ ) I'd recommend a Star sizer. Star went out of business a few years ago but Magma Engineering bought the design and now makes the same sizer. Best I can desctibe it is comparing a Star to a RCBS,Lyman, Redding, ect. is it's like comparing a single stage press to a progressive press.

I made the switch to a Star a few years ago. I went from sizing a coffee can of bullets a day to a coffee can in about an hour and a half. Money well spent in my opinon.
The Star sizer is the best way to go even if your not making 1,000's of bullets. has Lyman, Saeco, and RCBS equipment.

If you just want to shoot chunks of lead down range-- then go cheap. BUT if you want the best accuracy out of your guns then go first class.
Thanks for the help guys. I will probably go cheaper for now until I see how much I'm going to get into it.
Good move MDS

1 thing to think `bout is the dies for the star are expensive (see lathesmith over at he makes dies for the Star , but once your set up production is`nt the problem.

Dies are more plentiful for the rcbs & lyman (beware altered used 1s) but production is cut by 2 thirds!!

& if you enjoy reloading ,you`ll LOVE casting !!
Pan lubing, Then size with a LEE sizer is cheap enough. I still do this quite a bit. Push through sizing is the way to go.

I have a RCBS LAM 2, Its ok I guess. Some times I get ****** at it.

Then I got a used Star. This is they way to go, if you can swing the ging.
Push through with lubing. Awesome!!!!

I dont usually do more than a few hundred at a time but its still nice to be done no muss no fuss in 10 minutes.
Heck wife does not even know I disappeared, I am back so fast.:D

If you want to go cheap use a $20 lee push through die and tumble or pan lube. Each has there own method but would be something cheap to start with. If you want to know a lot about casting go to Cast Boolits web site. They are a great wealth of information for casters.
Lyman and RCBS lube/sizers use the same dies and top punches. I have used both, and like the Lyman better because of the ratchet type of pressure handle. I never liked the slide-though pressure handle on the RCBS and returned to the Lyman. Starr is a good lube/sizer but the machine itself is costly as are the dies.

Whoops! Addendum: It would seem that others did not like the RCBS push-through pressure handle inasmuch as they seem to have adopted the Lyman-style ratchet.
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I cast for 4 cal,, Only size 2 & use Lee push through sizers.. I use a mix of 45-45-10 of alox,JPW & minneral spirts ; ) PS I use 2 cal as cast
just got a rcbs still has the rod on top (must of been old stock)
after getting it wish I never tried pan lubing
well worth the money
can size alot in a short time
I use Alox exclusively. I like it and use it for all of my pistol bullets. It does seem to smoke a lot though. I have learned that a little dab will do ya.

I guess thats good?
I have never sized a bullet in the 4 years I have been casting. I shoot mine as cast lubed with Lee Liquid Allox. I put the bottle in a glass of hot water (hot to the point if you put a finger in you would take it out becasue it is hot, though not burn you hot.) I shake the bottle, when it feels like it is thin, I put a dab in a repurpoused butter bowl. Swish around a bit. Dump on a paper plate. I let them dry for about 3 days or so. I then load them, and shoot them. I cast for 3 hand gun, and 1 rifle caliber. They shoot great and do not lead up my barrels at all.