Suggestions for building a rifle rack.


New member
Hey guys I need a new larger way to store my rifles does anyone here have ideas or suggestions or has built a rack for their stuff? It needs to hold classic bolts to AR and AKs. Images or links would be helpful. I have carpeting to cover it I just need to find a good design
I don't have much help for you but:

Is this a free standing rack or is it going to have to fit in a cabinet or safe?

Is it a rack that's going to be 'seen', that is, are looks important to you or is it solely a functional thing?
Suggestions for building a rifle rack

If the rack is in a lockable back room, you won't need to show the rifles to your visitors. "Loose lips sink ships!" I think it would be more secure if you had a combination upright rifle safe. Mine holds up to 21 rifles/shotguns, but is secure in a backroom closet so visitors with wandering eyes do not have a fancy for a future heist!
its not for display its for storage. It will be wall mounted in my safe. The original plan was to purchase Cradle grids from Secureit Tactical for long gun storage but its very back ordered at the moment so I thought perhaps id make a cheaper homemade solution. I was just curious for suggestions because I hate when rifles are stored to close together and can knock into one another.