Suggestion request: Name a good set of ear plugs for hunting

Why not muffs? With electric muff you can turn up the volume and have super hearing.

Would you be interested in disposable or reuseable plugs?
"Ear plugs for hunting"
That's funny in a twisted sort of way. My BIL showed up to hunt quail/pheasant with ear plugs. He jammed them in deep enough to barely hear a gunshot and then couldn't hear the dog's bell, my comments about the dog, or the birds flushing. The new technology allowing clear hearing while reducing gunshot noise may be good but I find it unacceptable except during high volume shooting like dove or waterfowl hunting.
thanks for the suggestions.
I should have provided more details.
1. I would like electronic ear plugs that can be run with 0 gain. I have a pair of Walker Game ears and I can't turn them down to no gain. I am tired of having my ears ringing at the end of the day b/c I heard every step I made as though I were the jolly green giant.
2. I have passive plugs. I have used them in the past and they have voted themselves off the island for the reasons listed above. They throw off your balance and this matters when you're hopping down trees or walking on the edge of a hill or want to actually hear game animals while hunting.
3. I would like to have electronic ear plugs not muffs b/c crawling through dark timber with muffs is tough, hot and snag prone. Muffs are great for range work, but not for field work, in my experience.

Sorry for a poorly written header
Any foam plugs will suit your needs. Sold at these fine stores Cabelas_Walmart_mom & pop Gas stations_Woolworth 5 & dime_LGS_Gander Mountain_Bass Pro_Sears Roebuck & Co._Montgomery Wards & The Dollar Tree.
Guess I am old fashioned, I don't use ear plugs when hunting, especially deer hunting. I want to be able to hear the slightest twig break when that big buck comes in. However I do wear earplugs when I target shoot and sight in my rifles.

Like the others said if you want hearing protection get some of those special ear muffs or special hearing devices.
I just use the howard leight sport pros for my rare coyote hunts (all that I hunt) and they are great. The chipmunks tattle tale on the yotes as they move through the brush. Had my muffs turned up a bit to loud once, chipmunk screaming, thought it was on top of me, popped my muffs off for a sec and the munk was faaaar out of reach. Dumb on my part but telling of the use of the muffs.

They are adjustable.

That however doesnt detract from what you said about being hot or snagging on things.
Shothunt by E.A.R. They are amazing for bird hunting. They don't mess with your cheek weld, but are pricey. If you are patient an online coupon can be found. I saved $200 when I got mine. Anything better than this and you are looking at custom fit plugs with the electronics in them. The good ones are REALLY expensive.
Had my muffs turned up a bit to loud once, chipmunk screaming, thought it was on top of me, popped my muffs off for a sec and the munk was faaaar out of reach. Dumb on my part but telling of the use of the muffs.

They are adjustable.

That however doesnt detract from what you said about being hot or snagging on things.

I've worn a pair of Peltor 6s for hundreds of hours of hunting. I experimented with turning the volume up and you can hear things better, but when I did I couldn't tell where sounds were coming from. That seemed like a bad trade, so the first thing I do is to adjust the sound level to ambient. Then I have no problem with direction.
Just to close the loop on this.
I dithered long enough that my window of opportunity for full ear plugs closed.
I followed Rob228's suggestion to buy etymotics and I was very pleasantly surprised:
1. the quality was good. These were comfortable. There was no wind noise and they muffled shots.
2. there was a setting for ambient sound and it worked! It might have been a hair louder than no plug, but it was not a problem.

Thanks for the suggestions.