Suggestion for MODS...Erik Gelhaus

Sorry Erick,

I hate it when I get someones name wasn't intentional.

Now that you mention it it probably wouldn't do any good for the reasons you mentioned.
but it requires everyone to use their real name

I searched several full names from this and other forums, they came up with forum posts. Working for the Ohio Department of Corrections, I don't need to face a charge of "Bringing Discredit to the Employer" because I criticize it's actions and training, or speak against affirmative action. That has happened in my department. So Garryc is the best I’ll do
Had No Idea

Erick, when I discovered this forum, quite by accident by the way, I signed up using my real first name, zip code and actual city and state. I felt this was pretty honest without possibly opening myself up to some strange telephone calls (my number is listed and always has been). If you decide to change and require complete real names, how will you know if that in fact is what people submit?

In a private e-mail I will be more than happy to give you my personal data and resume' but I really don't think I want it posted. It is, of course, your decision.

John Lane
Charlotte, NC
Using a soubriquet is nothing new on the Internet. With all the loonies out there, and people that will take an "internet disagreement" too far, it is reasonable that people would like to preserve some level of anonymity.

Dismiss due to content. It is impractical to dismiss someone's post due to his or her nickname. It is also the equivalent to judging a book by its cover.
To be honest, I personally would rather get an idea of a persons character after reading their opinions on a variety of subjects, instead of having them tell me about themselves outright. Some people, it seems, have an overblown imagination when describing how important they are, or what credentials they claim to have.....;)

And for the record, Derius (D-air-e-us) was my grandfathers name. Derius Tiberias, hence my online name. Out of honor for one of the greatest men I ever knew....
I don't post under a real name for safety reasons.

Using sites like, etc. people can find out your phone number and address.

One example I can think of is:

You post a picture of your firearm collection; say an extensive one, worth at least $5000 +. Someone notices that you live in Anytown, USA; which happens to be near where they are. They now look up your name, get an address (won't work everytime, but why take a chance?) and start planning how they will break in and steal your firearms.

I understand that is far-fetched, but there are a lot of parents who are missing children because of the internet. If in today's modern world everyone is on the internet, that means there are a lot of bad people too!

John Lane, I found a list of 5 persons with your name in that area. It would be easy to narrow it down using the phone number and addresses also provided. I obviously won't go any further for your safety. God knows who could end up reading this.
I do not post personal info into forums, or other unsecure web pages. Having been a victim of ID theft once I do not wish to go through it again. My nick name is related to my former employment as a musician, and I will give general info. I live near St. Louis, work in sales, etc, but no more than that.

I did respond to the "Who's behind the name" thread in general discussion.
I use the 18DAI handle for safety ,and job security as well. It wouldn't do for a PC law enforcement agency to have a member advocating handguns and the safe use of same. Imagine the witchhunt for not quoting the company line , and of all things telling the truth to people about what I see and hear each day. YMMV Regards 18DAI.
I never post my info. I was cyberstalked by someone on a "victim's" site.

On the original topic, you can intro yourself on any of the forums here.
The Internet Is Forever.

I don't use my real name because, while my name doesn't have any sensitive personal information attached to it today, someday there may be enough various bits and pieces to pose a risk to my privacy. Nothing goes away anymore! A hometown mentioned here, a job there, and birthday somewhere else can all be easily threaded together using search engines to form a worrying whole.

I already have my real name and (formerly primary) email posted online, because someone took a college form I filled out 13 years ago and put it in a searchable database online. Nobody asked me - I didn't even remember filling it out! But anyone who knows my name (which, unfortunately, seems nearly unique) can now Google it and get my email - whether I want them to or not. So if I used my real name here, and then sent an email from that address to a potential employer...get the picture?

Erick - with all due respect, expecting people to be totally comfortable with having buttloads of personally identifying information available to essentially everyone in the world, forever, is a bit naive IMO. Especially given the controversial nature of the topics we discuss here.

Oh yeah - ask Kim duToit how having his name associated with pro-gun polemics worked out for his startup business.

For those who can afford the luxury of totally transparent internet dealings - great! More power to you! But I think most of us are being smart, not cowardly, in anticipating that having every single post, web page, or blog entry that we ever make in our entire lives follow us around forever might someday come back to bite us in the rear.
With all due respect Erick; I agree with the slight anonymity available through the pseudoymn; many of the posts I make come from many years of hard earned experience in Northern Ireland and I wouldn't like the idea of freely releasing my details. Some people have long memories and longer grudges they would like settled. In this current security climate a modicum of operational security is a sensible precaution.