Suggested T-Shirt Slogans

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Here's mine: "You Don't Have to Like Guns: Just Leave Mine Alone. In the Mean Time, I'll Protect You." I'm sure you all have something that would be a good message. Care to share?
Not a fan of saying I would protect other people except my family..

How bout..
"My (picture of a handgun) protects me and mine..." (Front)
"What protects you and yours?" (Back)

Just something I came up with...
I just got one at the last Gun Show. It says " Guns don't kill people, Texans with guns kill people". I know it's wrong but I couldn't resist.
I saw one at the NRA Meeting in Houston: Real Men Collect Stamps.

(It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what it meant.) :o
I don't own any T-shirt with a pro gun message. I'd rather not advertise to potential aggressors that I might be carrying a concealed weapon.
Rather, I dress in public so that if the day ever comes that I have to draw and fire my weapon, the aggressor will exclaim to the investigating officers:
"Honest to god! I had NO idea that balding fat guy had a gun! He didn't look like the type! He didn't even have an NRA sticker on his SUV!"
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