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Suggested new smiley:

no fair

hey guys Iam callin no fair. my wife was on her pet forum and i got a look at their smilies.
They have a lot of them, but why am i saying no fair, because they have
get this a smilies with HORNS and two clankin beer mugs.
so i joted a few down and here they are

:elkgrin: brown dude with horns looks like a moose to me but hey ...

:beer: yellow dudes with mugs...

:drool: yep for when you talking new gun...

:thumbup2: yellow dude with two thumbs up ....

:scared: dont recall what he looked like but after reading some posts in the hang guns where a guy had a loaded gun in a shop waving it around and saying oh its not loaded and from them also had a

:cursing: red guy givein ya the what for

any way so yea im whining as my wife would say. at least can't we get the elk dude and the beer one heck once i post this who knows maybe they will show up
Elkslayer - In the online world of noise and signal, smilies beyond what we offer are considered noise by most around here. They are an aid to express emotion when words fail or could be misconstrued, not as window dressing.

Hope you understand. :)

TheBluesMan said:
Elkslayer - In the online world of noise and signal, smilies beyond what we offer are considered noise by most around here. They are an aid to express emotion when words fail or could be misconstrued, not as window dressing.

Bravo. I dislike trying to read web pages with dancing, blinking distractions, that try to act as replacements for proper writing skills in the English language.

The Internet encourages far too much laziness with writing skills, spelling and grammar.
:cursing: red guy givein ya the what for


People who use that angry red emoticon look like deranged nuts with anger problems 90% of the time. It's like "The neighbors kitten walked over my lawn today :ANGERFACE: I'M GOING TO BEAT IT WITH A SHOVEL YEEEE-AARGH! :ANGERFACE: :ANGERFACE:"
I'm with Bluesman for his exact stated reasons, but I do vote for replacing the standard smiley with the clown smiley in the previous post.

It's just so much more... well... sinister. :D

It reminds me of the bumper sticker: "Keep smiling, they'll wonder what you're up to".

I do understand

I Know what your saying. I do not want to ruffle feathers out there, :o
I still think the elkgrin was a cool smilie.(go figure)
The drool and beer were also, as for the the scared and cursing. I added them for the reason stated ...guy waving a loaded gun around saying no worries its not loaded.....that sort of behavior make's me mad. I am sure im not alone on this subject.
Not that we need a icon to express our disapproval of such behavior.
So yes I understand they are noise and distracting, only thought the smilies with horns would be a nice addition. No moving,or flashing just a brown dude with a rack.