suden reaction


dear friends:when I was a teen I trained in Tae Kwon Do for almost six years (I'm a first degree black belt in jidokwan tkd)well it's almost 10 years since I left training,however I still dream training in a real selfdefense dojo (you'll see my overweight does not allow me to train I'm afraid of an injurie or maybe a heart atack).
So many years been passing but I still remember some moves and tricks.
I left tkd cause a)It was oriented towars competition (olimpics rules) and the personal defense (I love this part) was scarce.
My poin about thsi post is that if you were in a confrontation your atack must be suden (blitz) and hard enough and without waste of time,you must destroy the capabilities of your adversari(es) in no mora than 30 seconds,why cause in a fight you lose so many oxigen and strenght so quicly.
Your targets has to be disable 100% of times for that matter you must aim to the eyes (if the guy can't see you can beat you),troaht (if the scumbag can't breaht he can't follow you) and groing (if the mf can't stad up you can run far away).
Remembre a street fight is dirty and maiming for that reason eye pucking,smashing the troat and kicking furiusly the groing is your best move.
I need to put myself in shape (for health) and I'm considering lima-lama karate What do you think of it?
I practiced a little of shotokan karate and aikido some years back (the aikido show me some self defense sadly the sensei was a foreinger and has to leave my town).
In veracruz the sea port were a live only got taekwondo,some japanese karate and a school of lima lama.I acept sugestions?
many the mexican kid.

In my opinion, you need to work seriously at losing weight. If mere exercise and training is a health risk, a real fight could be fatal from hyper-adrenalin, alone...I know you are superior to me in your background training in unarmed defense; get back your health as best as you can.

I'll let others speak to specific training, but if you are too unhealthy to use it, what good is it?

I had to give up IPSC competition because of arthritis in my shoulder. A .44 Mag is less fun than before, and I shoot less bench-rest big-bore rifle. But my weight is "standard", I can still shoot, and I can "scoot"...

Good luck and best regards, Art

Howdy! You are from Shooter's as well, aren't you?

Yes, forget TKD. It is next to useless in a real mano-a-mano fight. I learned TKD for over ten years including several years in Korea. I received my Dan directly at the World TKD Federation HQ in Korea.

Naturally, I also agree that you need to "finish" your opponent as quickly as possible. However, I take issue with the fact that it is because "you run out of oxygen and energy." That's a classic striking art mentality. While fights should be short, you would be surprised how long you can fight if you utilize the opponent momentum against him while preserving your own energy. Good breathing techniques help tremendously as well. The key is not to panic, calm yourself, relax your body, breath correctly and let your body respond instinctively through conditioned training.

One more thing: good choking techniques do NOT work through strangulation (deprivation of oxygen) as the latter takes too long. Good choking techniques involve the disruption of blood supply to the brain (by pressuring the arteries on your neck). A good choke should render your opponent unconscious in a few (3-4) seconds.

For someone who is overweight, I suggest Aikido first. Then once you get into better shape, augment it (or replace it) with Nihon Jujutsu or Brazilian Jujutsu.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu