Successful......but not a turkey.....


New member
Got even with Yul today for his leaving me standing in the road while he shot the turkey on our last trip.......well.....I sort of got even.

Morning started off exciting as we had a bird gobble at least a 100 times in the course of 1 1/2 hours. When we first heard him he was across a creek, through a pine stand, across a road and on the back side of another pine stand from us.

Of course we did not know this at the time, just knew we could hear him, so off we went.

Did you know you can hear a turkey for well over 1/2 mile!

So we worked close enough to him where we could tell that he was walking back and forth as he gobbled, maybe 150 yards away, and set up. Darn thing would not move towards us.

After about 40 minutes of this I suggested to Yul that we make a circle and get on the other side of the bird and see if that would budge him. We get about 400 yards along the road to just where we have a fireline cut ( Was planning on using it to get to him. ) and down the road I can see one of the members trucks.

As we've come as far as we have we decide that chances are he is on the bird and that he was set up on him from the get go so we abandon the effort and head back through the woods towards the truck to get a drink and then reposition.

End up about 2 miles south ( Not to far from where the dumb turkey from last week was. ) and set out walking the road.

Takes us all of 20 minutes to see a bird a good 400-500 yards down the road wandering about. Can't tell what it is but decide to work down towards him inside the treeline for a ways and then call.

As we can't see the bird we just guess when we've gone far enough, Yul slips the decoy ( Henretta ) into the road, I move off the road into the pines about 20 yards and Yul sets up to call about 30 yards away where he can see down the road and sets to calling.

We'd been there a while when I realized Yul had not called in a LONG time so I inched around where I could see the edge of the road through the trees, thinking that at least I'd get to see Yul bust the turkey.

And then trotting down the road comes this guy........and NO I did not give Yul a chance......hit it with a 1 7/8 #5 as he passed a opening. Looked as if you'd hit him in the head with a bat. Can see how tight the pattern is by looking at his neck.

We judged him to be old based on the teeth..........

Was Yul watchin' him? If so, way to sand bag your buddy!!!:D

Unless I am incorrect thinkin' you just got pics pretty quick, this shows how fast the death seeking blowfly is at noticing the smell of death:eek:...

Don't look like much of that 1 7/8ths missed the mark...;)

nice coyote, I guessed what you had shot when you were successful going for turkey but without getting a turkey. Thought "I bet he called up a coyote".

Good job, the only good coyote is a dead coyote.
Near Palatka, Fl.......NE part of the state.


You're right. In fact he had actually been watching the original turkey down the road when the coyote ran out scaring it off. He said as soon as the coyote saw the decoy......400 yards away!....he started coming.

If it'd been a turkey, I'd of let him have it as it was on "his side"..........but when I saw what it was.....and as he already got a turkey.......

And you are right about the flies.......took them all of a couple of minutes for the first one to get there.

Of course as bad as that thing smelled I'll bet they were following him!!!
Good Job...

My son asked yesterday morning "What if we see a coyote" my reply "Dead dog" his next question "Won't that scare the birds." my reply "I don't care, kill dogs whenever you can."
Looks like money well-spent to me! Nice shooting! I was wondering about turkey shot for those if I call one in, but I don't think I need to anymore.
And then trotting down the road comes this guy........and NO I did not give Yul a chance......hit it with a 1 7/8 #5 as he passed a opening. Looked as if you'd hit him in the head with a bat. Can see how tight the pattern is by looking at his neck.

Yeah..U leveled him....Way to go!
Gmony.308....Nice bird! Thats an old Ithaca is'nt it?
Oh..and I like your ruger and stag grips....
Did you know you can hear a turkey for well over a half mile?
Man if you ever hunt southeast Missouri in those mountainous forest you'll hear them from farther than 1/2 mile, its literaly a spectacle to behold and when four or five different bird are going off at the same time, I have been known to leak a little awesomeness down my cheeks....:o
Gmony.308....Nice bird! Thats an old Ithaca is'nt it?
Oh..and I like your ruger and stag grips....

It is! The Ithaca Super Single in a full choke 2 3/4 or 3" mag.
I've often though about stripping it down cleaning it up and rebluing the metal just because it's a piece of history.
With leaves off the trees { in certain geographical locations} can hear a turkey gobble about 1 mile away.

Waiting to bag my first coyote. I did bag a 21 pounder, 10" beard, 1" spurs --- April 18, first day of Maryland season. Instead of trying to circle a hung-up might want too try walking away from the gobbler, at least 100 yards, call back to him --- he should shock gobble --- then creep back to the gobbler 50 yards and silently wait for him. If that does not work...hunt him another day; if possible.

I've not killed many coyotes, but most of the ones I have were either coming to my calls or dekes, or on their way to a gobbling turkey, same as me.

Saw one this year going to a gobbling bird, and I should have shot him, but had not killed a turkey yet at that point and so took the chance and simply ran the 'yote off. Did not kill the turkey either. Within a week, the bird disappeared. Whether a hunter got him or the coyote I don't know.

Darn coyotes are a heck of a predator, hard on turkeys and fawns.

Shoot every one you can.
I would be happy to get either.. I hear the coyotes all the time but rarely see them..and the only time I manage to see/hear a turkey is when I am hunting another animal! I'm sure I'll get one (or both) eventually!

Either way, congrats on the yote.
What do you do with the coyote? Looks like a nice pelt.

I'm really not far from your location. Maybe an hour north. My dad and I are going out soon to teach me how to clean and cook game. We're gonna start with fish but I want to move to turkey and eventually deer. I've lived here 14 years and never seen a coyote, bear, panther, or any of our big animals. Just the odd fox, bobcat, and more than enough gator.