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Well I had a good day in the woods yesterday.Got a doe for the freezer.Hit a little high and broke her back,she never moved after the shot.Ruined exit shoulder. Here is my "problem". I enjoyed scoutin around, getting ready to hunt, shooting at targetsand watching the critters move about. I do not enjoy the actual shooting deer anymore. Now that said I will attempt to fill my other tags. Any of you all notice a shift like this with age??

This only applies to deer,no problems with coyotes,squirrels,etc
I still miss the associated activity.

Any of you all notice a shift like this with age??
Absolutely and quite common for older hunters. However, there is so much associated with this activity that I do miss. ..... ;)

There is some documentation about the five phases of a Hunter. I believe the last one is; Conservationist. I kill less than I use to and really don't miss it. ... :)

I love Squirrel hunting and Coyotes hate me. ..... :(

Be Safe !!!
It's got where it's just more work than it's worth, for me.

I still hunt and I enjoy it immensely but I let quite a few deer walk by these days. There are very few nice bucks around here so they don't walk (if I ever get a chance:rolleyes:) but doe (except for a couple each year if I feel like it and get the chance) and small bucks I let go now.

I'm not a big fan of venison and my hunting group donates most deer we shoot. We usually keep 2 or so but shoot 4-10.

A lot of times, when you're young I think you feel like you've got to prove that you're a real hunter. You've got to show the old guys that you can do it. Once you ARE one of the old guys, every body knows you can do it (and you don't really care if they do anymore anyway.):D
Haven't experienced that yet, even though I'm now closer to 60 than 50. My family really enjoys venison, so we don't have that hurdle. I hunt NY and PA and usually have multiple tags. I like to get the first one "in the freezer" and then relax for the rest of the season, being far more selective in the shots I take.

But I still enjoy every aspect of deer hunting, including the kill, field dressing, and carting out of the woods. All part of the experience.
Yes, I have experienced what you are talking about. Even though I always manage to stock the freezer, probably the last 7-8yrs I have let more deer walk then what I use to. Kids are gone and it's just the wife and I so just don't need the amount of meat we used to consume. Though this year, a couple of the kids are wanting deer and with the hours they work and their schedules, we'll try and shoot some for them.

The actual 'killing' was never considered to be the highlight of the hunt even when I was younger.

I have had more fun playing with young bucks with calls out of a tree stand in the last several years then I ever had when I felt it 'my duty' to shoot the deer. Had one spike I played with for 2-3hrs. calling him back to my stand over and over again. Would let him get down the hill and softly hit my grunt tube, he would turn and come back in walking all stiff legged and hair standing on end. He had me giggling for a good while.

Watched another spike come up and start eating corn and a few minutes later a big bore coon waddled up and they had a standoff at the corn. The spike snorting and the coon on its hind legs growling. Much to my surprise, the coon ended up winning that battle with the spike walking off looking over his shoulder as if to call the coon a big bully. :D
Too right!!!

I still love getting/spending time out in the woods.
As Brian said, have let many walk by for several reasons.

1) I try to get away from people. Public game lands here in central PA looks like a pumpkin patch during season. Hence I usually try to hike about a mile away from where I park.

2) Don't want to drag a corpse a mile to the car. See #1. lol

3) Once you shoot one, then the real work starts. Gutting, dragging, loading, unloading, skinning, etc...

Unlike Brian, we here really do love the meat.
Yup. Just turned 68. I love to hunt, love shooting, but not too interested
in shooting things that need dressed & prepared anymore.
Now if I see the biggest buck in the woods............BANG!:D
This seems normal for most of us older fellows.
I am only 30 but kinda get what you are meaning.

I am very concerned when I shot, not nervous per say but feel very relieved when it drops straight away or I "know" it will be laying there

Now with birds I am almost high fiving and "yeah"

I know all animals deserve the same respect I can't explain it
Husky you nailed it. I do not mind post hunt work. Just no enjoy the shot. Guess my wife had made me watch Bambi one to may time. I do not know any other reason why doves squirrels, etc do not get the moment of silence." Lord,please let me kill clean or miss clean". Never once have I said that when a squirrel runs within range:confused: