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Ventured out yesterday and then again today in the afternoon up in Pennsylvania as the firearms for deer season ends tomorrow Saturday, December 8. I spotted a Doe approximately 130 yards out. I quickly dropped to my knee and placed The crosshairs of the fixed 4x power Bushnell from my model 94 right on the Doe’s head and dropped her instantly.

After hearing so many rave reviews about the Winchester 150 grain jacketed hollow point cartridge, I decided to give it a try. This cartridge left a big gaping hole as an exit wound out the other side of the Doe’s head. I’ve never seen an exit wound that big with any other cartridge that I’ve used over the last 30 years in this model 94. This cartridge would definitely drop a huge bear in its tracks if it were shot through the head or neck... at a safe distance nonetheless. Needless to say, I’m a firm believer in this cartridge now, as it is nothing short of devastating.

Update-December 9th...
Just enjoyed a delicious venison tenderloin stew from a regular ‘Beef stew recipe I grabbed off the Internet. I’ve attached a couple photos.





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Cool musicm!

Just the day before yesterday (the 6th), I did about the same thing with my '64 vintage 336. It sports a vintage 4x33mm Leupold Compact, and is a wonderfully accurate little carbine. I ranged my whitetail doe @ 154 yds., and as she was quartering to me, I placed the hairs just behind her left shoulder (good rest on my daypack), about a 1/3+ the way up the body from her belly, and squeezed off. She was with 4 other does and fawns, and when they all bolted at the shot, they all went down behind an irrigation ditch; only 4 came up the other side. I knew my shot was good, and found her less than 60 yds. from where I hit her. The shot hit her exactly where the hairs crossed on my hold, and took out the lungs and part of her liver. Lights out, quickly, and was pleased to see she was dry.

My handload worked very well:

150 grn. Speer SPFN
34 grns. of Varget
CCI 200 L.R.
Rem. brass, F.L. resized, trimmed @ 2.030."
Good crimp on the bullet cannelure.

At 154 yds, the bullet had an exit wound showing good expansion. Since the doe had a good supply of fat on her flanks, tissue damage wasn't bad at all. My wife and I butchered yesterday, and the only meat loss was flank meat, and again, wasn't much (burger meat) at all. Love that old Marlin, and my old eyes love that Leupold! Hard to beat a 30-30 for deer; good all around.

Congrats on the doe, musicmatty!
Thanks for sharing… I love these hunting stories! To be able to take a shot even with the scope at the length of a football field and half of another football field, is most impressive and very difficult to do when you only have seconds to make a shot at best!

The lever gun is even being touted as a great home defense weapon now and that is no surprise because of it’s size and fast handling. These lightweight carbines are extremely accurate with a scope despite some naysayers. No doubt, you and I can testify to that time and time again I’m sure.

Hello musicmatty, good for you and a venison in the freezer.

I have some links to PA deer hunting with family and am familiar with the big tradition there and the hectic nature of PA's season. I've also hunted the M94 30-30 just a bit, actually in PA and VA, and liked it's light weight and portability in the rocks and ridges. That was a long time ago, but I seem to recall the load I used was W-W factory 150 gr Power Point. My rifle was not scoped. My Dad hunted a scoped M94 for a span of 10 yrs or so, chambered in .44 mag. Neither one of us were unhappy with our rifles or cartridges and worked just fine for PA woods hunting.

Hitting a deer's head at 130 yds, in the woods, off a knee is quite a feat, but I must tell you I am not a fan of headshooting deer at all. If you ever see one with the or nostrils blown apart, or the jaw blown off and hung by threads, but still running, and likely not recovered unless shot by another hunter, you might think the same way. Too, head shot deer are a mess to look at, eyes bugged and so on. But the big reason is that the head is a small target, often moving as the deer glances about and picks their way through the woods. The classic shoulder/ lung shot offers a bigger target with a higher success rate and less chance of wounding (and missing). Also, the chest cavity is not as articulated as the head and thus not prone to big moves. Think of a pie plate size target on a stake stuck in the ground, as opposed to a softball size balloon on a string in the breeze, and which is easier to hit?

Not wishing to rain on your parade....any deer up in heavily hunted PA is a trophy and reason to be proud of success. Just wanting you to reconsider your aiming points in the future.

Also, most curious, what county are you hunting?
Thanks for chiming in! Fortunately over the last 30 years, I’ve never lost a dear. I have a few rules that I follow… I never shoot a deer while it’s running… I’m very selective on the angles for a careful easy shot… And I won’t go outside of 150 yards

Every dear that I have taken over the last 30 years has either been a neck shot or a headshot which drops them immediately in their tracks and are dead upon my arrival. If I were shooting with open sights, a body shot would be most favorable! However, with the scoped rifle and the boundaries that I have set for myself, a precise placement shot to the neck or head is very easy to achieve... at least it has been for me over the last 30 years.

The day before I took my Doe, I counted 16 deer that were all under 50 yards for a shot but I passed each one up because I was not comfortable with my vantage point for an easy clean kill. At this point, I don’t think it would be wise for me to change my formula considering the success that I’ve had.
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Good job on putting some venison in the freezer.
Oh, and I love me some venison stew. Matter of fact that's exactly what we had tonight for dinner. Thursday I am making a HUGE pot of venison chili for a gathering of Friends on Saturday.
I’ve never had venison chili… I need to get more creative!

Your missing out there, try it.

Congrats on your hunting and the stew picture made me real hungry right here about supper time.
Just a opinion is all.
When shooting H.P.'s?
There are only two places on Big Game to aim at. {Head & neck.}
Spine & everywhere else? >is taboo.

Congrats on your Marksman skills.
Just a opinion is all.
When shooting H.P.'s?
There are only two places on Big Game to aim at. {Head & neck.}
Spine & everywhere else? >is taboo.

Congrats on your Marksman skills.
Because my gun is scoped and dialed in in on the bull’s-eye at 100 yards, I never take anything other than a head or neck shot for an instantaneous drop. I don’t shoot deer while they’re running and I keep all my shots within 100 yards or so. This practice has not failed me in 30 years. I am most impressed with this jacketed hollow point of any other Cartridge I’ve used in the past 30 years. I’m certainly not encouraging other hunters to follow my practice… Everybody has their own way. But if I can’t get a clean head or neck shot then I’m totally fine letting the deer go.
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Basic tenderloin recipe:

Apply large grain salt and fresh cracked pepper to fresh tenderloin. Garlic salt optional.

Grill to rare or medium rare, or at worst medium on a grill. Wood fire preferred, charcoal also works, so does propane.

If you don't have a grill of any kind, Chef Gordon "I'mahugehilariousjerkbutprobablyaprettygoodcook" Ramsay does it like I do. Or I him. It's kind of a gray area. I prefer a cast iron skillet. And less pronounced British accent:

Can we get a video embedding feature?
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I hope to find the one I hit tonight we are going to let her lay and get her in the morning, and then make that stew !!!!