Succesful Hunt


New member
(This got really long once I started typing)
I haven't been able to hunt Whitetails these last 3 years do to being in the Navy on a Sub. I always seem to be out during deer season. I have only hunted in Texas and always on whatever lease my dad was on or Sam Houston National Forest. This year I hit shore duty and even though I didn't get opening day I did finally get a chance to go hunting, and with Christmas being so close I decieded to buy my Dad a new Rifle he techincally has nvr had one of his own he hunted with a 30-30 my Papa left me when he died a long time ago and he bought my little brother a Rem 700 .270 that he hunted with sometimes so I figured what the hell maybe it will start to make up for all the tools I lost or broke growing up :D So I bought him a Browning Stalker .270 left handed model with a Elite 3200 scope.
Or trip was planned that when I stepped off the plane we would go to the range I told him I just put a new scope on my gun and needed to sight it in (which was true after I looked through that 3200 I replaced my old leop with one but both guns where sighted in and ready to go though) then start the 4 hour trip to the lease in Bandera. I gave him the gun at the range and I have nvr been happier with a purchase in my life I won't have to buy a my dad another thing for Christmas has long has we are both alive.
So get the lease with the following bet's...
Biggest Buck... First if any Turkey... Biggest Hog... Any Exotic was worth 20 bucks
This is a no fence lease and with all the game ranch's around Bandera there's no telling what will walk in there.
Any way on the 1st morning of our trip I shot the biggest 8-point I have ever seen or got in my life we scored it at 102 points B&C which is be means no giant but to me it was. Here's where it got fun we where both hunting on on spot I mean one set of tags even though it was a 5 deer county Dad had the spot on the lease so I was shooting his deer. Only one buck left. So from there out I was hunting does and being the camp cook. I shot a Doe the next day would have been two but I didn't realize the range of a doe I was shooting at that was down hill I figured her at about 120 yards when in actual distance it was close to 220 yards. I'm still not sure how this downhill shooting works but i'm buying a range finder. On day 3 Dad saw some decent Bucks but it was to dark when they all came in and he couldn't tell how big they where and there was no way in hell he was gonna shoot a Buck smaller than mine. We only had one day left and it wwas cold that morning Dad figureed he would do a night hunt and slept in he told me to go shoot the last Doe (we still had 3 tag's to fill but just in case my little brother wanted to go hunting we where gonna leave a Doe tag for him. Well that morning like I said it was cold REAL COLD and I was hungry and it was cold. At sun up I saw 2 does walking in some brush so I cheecked there heads one more time and saw no horns and decieded the first one that poped her head out was for the freezer. I was very worried about my miss the other also mind you and alot of concentration was in my shot and breathing and sqeeze. The doe dropped in her tracks the other one ran around a bit and offered me alot of nice shots I shot her maybe 9 times in my head :) Shoot and release I call it. Anyway I go up to get the Doe and to my dread it was a button Buck. I wanted to cry but cussed and stomped instead. Poor Dad wouldn't get his chance to shoot his Buck this year. To my suprise he didn't care he told me it was a succesfull hunt and thats all that mattered he didn't get one thing the entire trip but talks about it like he shot the Biggest buck in Texas. He looked at alot of Deer ate camp food which was actually pretty good not to toot my own horn and didn't harvest one animal of any kind. For me it was a succesfull hunt also because I learned so much. The main thing being...... I can't really describe it but i'm allready planning a Alaskan Hailibut trip for us just because I know that it will be succesfull no matter what.
Great Story - and Thanks


A big THANK YOU to you and all of those who serve our country and protect the freedoms we Americans enjoy.

Great story, it sounds like your Dad had the time of his life and really got into the spirit and cameraderie of things! There's nothing like time in the wild to cultivate a bond between friends and family, and to create memories that can be shared and treasured for generations.

Have a safe and memorable Holiday season,
