Subject: cop killer


New member
This was forwarded to me by an LEO friend with the request to see that it gets forwarded on. Your choice. Thanks. Franz

Subject: cop killer

At the recent National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) conference in Alabama, the delegation in attendance voted unanimously to begin a boycott of persons, products and companies associated with the supporting of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
In case you don't know, this man was convicted in the 1981 killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. The act was an especially brutal and sadistic murder that still haunts the family,friends and coworkers of Officer Faulkner. (The New York Shields presented Officer Faulkner's family with a Medal of Valor at their 1999 Police Memorial Breakfast).
Convict Abu-Jamal has written a book, "Live from Death Row," and attempted to place himself in a celebrity status as a result of hiscriminal behavior. Others have supported his pathetic attempt to gain stardom and freedom, all the while spitting in the face of Officer Faulkner, his family and every single law enforcement officer in the United States.
The F.O.P. has announced the formal boycotting of the following:

1. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Products who are donators to a defense fund for the killer.
2. Actor Paul Newman, an outspoken supporter of the killer.
3. Actress Susan Sarandon, another supporter of the killer.
4. Filmmakers Spike Lee, Oliver Stone and John Landis, supporters of the killer.
5. Writers Norman Mailer and Joyce Carol Oates, supporters of the killer.
6. Super model Naomi Campbell, supporter of the killer.
7. Musicians Sting, David Byrne and Michael Stipe of REM, supporters of the killer.>
As you also may not know, a tape recorded statement made by the killer was played at the graduation commencement ceremony of Evergreen State College in the state of Washington in June 1999. This resulted in over 800 graduates walking out and another two dozen turning their backs during the killers 13 minute diatribe of hate.
The F.O.P.'s position is getting widespread coverage in the media, as well it should. The members of the New York Shields stand with our fellow brothers across this country in strongly supporting this boycott and honoring the memory of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.
We urge you to participate in this boycott and request that you pass this e-mail on to your coworkers, partners, family and friends. We must stand together against this brutal murderer.
Please do your part and pass this important message along to your friends. Call your local grocer and tell them about Ben & Jerry's support of a cop killer. Do your part please, you can make a difference. Mike was an Annapolis graduate and an former Marine and also the son of my best friend and a Marine buddy of mine for 48 years and Chosen Few member

Rick Guyer
Semper Fi------Ray Johnson, H&S 2/5
The Chosen Few

I have no use for murderers, no matter who they kill. This fallen officer and his family certainly deserve better justice than this.

But, before I would work to support the FOP, I'd like to hear how they'll quit supporting so much of Bill Clinton's anti-self defense legislation. And, no, I don't think it is inappropriate to mention that in this context. I support the LEO's that protect my community, and I have respect for most LEO's everywhere. But, the more I read about 'XX LEO organizations testified before Congress in support of XX gun control legislation' ... well, I begin to be a bit less motivated. And the FOP seems to be mentioned quite often.

I know we have many great LEO's who support the RKBA. Their organizations must be made to quit supporting the destruction of our civil rights, including that of self defense.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 31, 1999).]
Jeff I'm in total agreement with you.When they respect my rights as a citizen I will fully support that orignazation.Till then I will support LEAA only
Deal me in. I ran off several copies and will be posting them in area LEO offices tomorrow a.m. Don't know how much good it will do, the company and clowns listed are generally not very popular in this part of the country. The whole scenario kind of makes me want to puke.
As far as what the F.O.P. does or does not support is immaterial to me at this point. I am not doing this in support of the F.O.P., I am doing it in support of a fellow fallen Marine and peace officer. And yeah, I still remember what "The Chosen Few" means. I only wish more did these days.
Semper Fi and God bless,

Staff Sergeant, U.S.M.C.
I agree with Paladin. None of these is popular where I live, but I dont believe in patronizing a person or business that actively advocates causes that I am opposed to.

Better days to be,

Paladin & Ed,- Thank you for your support. Semper Fi and God save us if this is our future.

beemerb & Jeff,- You guys are missing the point of this post. I did not post this to promote support for F.O.P. I did not post it to start a debate about the F.O.P. I did it to get support for a fallen man and his family. If you can't or won't do anything about it because F.O.P. is behind it. Then I pray you and your families never need help in your lives.

[This message has been edited by Franz (edited October 31, 1999).]

Franz merely posted a heads up from a guy who happens to be FOP.

If you are unaware of this story, Mumia Abu-Jamal killed the cop in cold blood. Abu-Jamal was a standard run of the mill street thug. He got a taxpayer funded college education in prison...and plays the same game that pet killer Norman Mailer made goo-goo eyes over years ago.
Forget FOP....anyone who supports Abu-Jamal is no friend of ethics,morality and justice and hence, deserve no more of our money

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Do you happen to know how the family of officer Daniel Faulkner is getting along?

Is there an officer's fund supporting them (and other slain officers) etc.?
DC, I understand his point, but this is a gun forum. With the dismal performance lately by the FOP, I can't help but point out the irony here.

Franz, I'll support your work on this for the benefit of Officer Faulkner, and I'll make my friends aware as well. I'd ask you to tell your friends in the FOP that some of us are wondering which side they're really on these days. If they stand shoulder to shoulder with Bill Clinton to take away our civil rights, it will have a natural effect upon the perception of honest civilian gun owners regarding the FOP.

Thanks, and good luck with your effort. In Arizona this scumbag wouldn't have had as much time to write a book.
I'm in they will get no money from me and i will pass it on

As I stated in my original post: This was forwarded to me by an LEO friend with the request to see that it gets forwarded on.
Your choice.

Dennis:I have no details on the family members, Or whether there is a fund set up. What you see is what I got.

Jeff: Thank you for your support. I have no friends in the FOP, this was, as stated TWICEnow, sent to me by an LEO friend. Neither myself nor any of my friends, LEO or other stand anywhere near, much less shoulder to shoulder with Klinton. This is my last reply to you sir. Enjoy.
Thanks for the "heads up", Franz.

This seems to be a very controversial case with strong feelings
on both sides! Here’s what I pulled off AOL
1) Mumia abu-Jamal and the Murder of Officer Daniel Faulkner. There are
any number of versions of what happened the night Officer Faulkner was
killed, and an even greater number of political and social agendas involved.
This article goes through all the theories, and all the conflicting "facts", in
attempt to find an objective truth.

2) Twin Cities Coalition to Defend Mumia Abu-Jamal. This group is fighting
for Mumia's freedom through activism and education. Apply for their
bi-weekly mailing list!

3) Justice for Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. This site debunks the "Myths"
about Mumia Abu-Jamal and his case. The Myths discussed here have been
compiled from various printed materials distributed by Jamal’s supporters
and from written and printed statements made by these same groups, as
well as Mr. Jamal’s attorneys.

4) Mumia 911. Day of art to stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

5) Mumia Vedio. Peoples Video Network Store: Mumia Abu-Jamal

6) The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Stop the Legal Lynching of Mumia

7) International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
News and updates on his case and his writings.

8) Free Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia awareness site with links to U.S. cities
supporting his freedom and right to speak now from U.S. prison.

9) Free Mumia Abu-Jamal. The battle to free black activist and journalist
Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row has become more urgent than ever.

10) Refuse & Resist : The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Stop the Legal
Lynching of Mumia Abu-Jamal!

Should be enough controversy here to satisfy ANYone!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 01, 1999).]