sub-$1000 hunts ????

Depends what you want to get after and how...
A fellow hog doggin' buddy is doing hunts for far less...

$100 per day per man...
For a hog in the range of the one Junior just killed in my last thread would be $325 "kill fee"... One cool thing about huntin' behind dogs... You can opt out of the kill and go for a genuine catch and release...;)

The 3"+ tusk monsters is $450 so if you want to kill that'n you are just over 50% of your $1,000 starting number:cool:

If you search the web for feral hog hunts in Texas, you can find a few that are close to if not free. Some of the medium sized land owners are happy for you to come out, ASSUMING you are professional and safety conscious, and sign a hold harmless.
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Hundreds of millions of acres of public land all over America with hunting that costs no more than the license and transportation...
Well, where are you located? Lots of great public land hunting if you can get a few hours away from the city and get get a couple of miles into the woods.
One of the hunting shows on TV is about a guy that only does self-guided public land hunts. He buys over-the-counter tags, does his scouting, and comes away with some really nice game.
Where do you live. Lots of public land to hunt on for free here in Georgia and in most other states.

Couple of years ago I drove 1800 miles from GA to CO with 5 other guys for a mule deer hunt. Spent $300 for a tag, split the gas on 2 trucks, camped, cooked our own meals, carried our own meat off the mountain. Had a great time and spent well under $1,000. Going back this Fall except with a $500 elk tag. Just me and my wife this time, so it will cost more with no one to share expenses.

I do the same several times each year here in GA with virtually no expense. I camp on public land and hunt for 4-5 days at a time.
Public land is cheap, if you have access to some.

This year's Elk hunt will cost:
$50 - license
$200 - fuel (will be split 2-3 ways)
$75 - food, beverages, etc

$195-260 total

And, that includes a gas-guzzling motor home hauling itself up several tough climbs in the mountains.

Where are you, and what is it you want to hunt?
Missouri is supposed to be the new waterfowl hotspot. Since you don't have to pay for out of state licenses you should be able to get into some 1-2 day guided waterfowl hunts pretty reasonalbly.
Our upcoming hog hunt is at a S W Missouri game ranch. I know they breed and import their exotic critters, but the hogs are part of the 'native' population. Check out the hog hunting in your home talking to other hunters at gun stores or sporting stores.