Stupid question but it's driving me crazy...

Warm Bore

New member
How do you pronounce Hogue?

I just got a set of these for my BHP (best grips for it IMO) but I've never heard it pronounced and can't phathom walking around all day saying it the wrong way.


Warm Bore
I spoke to them on the phone once placing an order, they said "hOge." Long "O", silent "gue."

Whoops, the "g" is there, the "ue" are silent.
Edited to reflect an admission of error.

[Edited by CITADELGRAD87 on 03-13-2001 at 03:12 PM]
Now that the pronunciation is clear, I am amazed at how many people spell it wrong. More often than not, I see it as Houge.
Mal, "Houge" would be pronounced with a long "u" and a soft "g," like "rouge." Or maybe the posters are just referring to the size of their guns. ;)

While we're at it, how do you guys pronounce "Hoppes" - the cleaning goodies guys?

Most of the time I've heard "Hoppys", but I've also heard it "Hopes" ( as in "he hopes for p38").

What say?
I am reminded of the scene from Police Academy X, where Tackleberry splashes something on his neck just prior to a date:


"Naw, gun oil."

re: "Hoppes" I have always said it either "Hoppies" or "hops," and was never sure which was correct.
