Stupid gun stories


New member
Just had an example of guns stupidity to share. I figured that you guys would have some also. This is a true story that happened to my dad last year while dear hunting.
My dad and my brother are out hunting in southern Utah, my dad is armed with a Remington 7600 30-06. He is primarily a shotgun person and had never really used this rifle much besides to sight it in. While gearing up, my brother is thumbing shells into it's 4 shot detached magazine. My dad tells him that he is sure that it holds 5 not 4. No matter how hard my brother pushes he can't get that last bullet in there. Finally my dad says something like "give me that you damn sissy". And manages to force that last bullet in there with lots of swearing. (career dairy farmer believe me, he can swear).
Latter on my dad is on the mountain and sees the biggest buck that he has ever seen in his life. Moving along only about 100 yards from him, he aims and misses, (like I said, he's a shotgun person) The deer takes off running for a little bit and then stops and looks around. My dad still has a good shot. The problem is he goes to pump the rifle, and the bolt grinds to a halt on top of the extra shell. He yanks back as hard as he can and it doesn't budge, he tries to release the mag, but it wont fall out under pressure. He said that the worst part was the deer just cocked its head and looked at him. He then proceeded to get really mad and put the butstock on a tree and push down on the pump. This broke the plastic butt plate of the gun. He then tried wedging the pump of the gun in the fork of a tree and putting all his weight into the gun. (He weighs about 380 lbs.) This really scratched the hell out of the gun, but as he said latter at this point he was too mad and just wasn't thinking. Finally he got the bolt unstuck and chambered a fresh round, but by this time his cursing had scared the deer off.
I promise that this is in fact a true story, and he almost had a heart attack over it.
I'm curious if any of you guys have stupid gun related stories.
There's a whole thread on the subject. Search for "Famous Firearms Follies."

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You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart