Stumped by handgun I.D.


New member
I was watching the movie TAKEN, I love it. The fight scenes actually seem real. Anyway, I can pretty much I.D. all of the guns except the last one. He kills the last guy with a wine bottle, that was really cool btw, but the gun the guy was using, what was it? It really looked like a Taurus but that really doesn't make sense. A fine suit, shoes, cars, multi million dollar yacht......and a Taurus. Don't get me wrong, their not a bad brand, from what I hear CC has improved alot. But if your job was to use a gun it would be a high class gun. WC, Nighthawk, HK,Sig, or even built from the ground up. Anyway, if you any thoughts or ideas of what the gun maybe let me know.
Yep, BP beat us.

However, he left a look-up problem.

I'll one-up him; PT111 in one sequence, and PT145 in another.
I was thinking PT-111 but didn't wanna jump the gun. Seems a shame, I would go for a jogging suit, new balances, and WC. Hmmm maybe he knows something we don't.
It just goes to show, if you want to be cool like in the movies, you have to own a Taurus...:p

I guess that also means I'm a big dork! And I will continue to be a dork.

Technically, in Taken the guys who own Tauri are sex traffickers. Brian beats em down or shoots them, and temporarily commandeers their weapons...
Also, one of the guys in the end...The last guy to protect the big sweaty man. Uses a SIG 1911.

Good movie.

I'm always on when I want to know what they use.
LOL. Taurus guns are cheap and for a movie prop that's a huge + you get a gun that your gonna knock around and destroy that LOOKS like a Beretta but isn't and is cheaper. I think in that fight scene on the boat like atleast 4 guns go flying into walls, water, and glass or the BG throws them dramatically when shot... ;)

99.999% of people can't ID the guns in the movie so why spend 3k on nice nighthawk then alter it to fire blanks then have it roughly handled, knocked about, hardly seen and 99.999% of people won't know the difference? Just use a PT1911? :rolleyes:

Or they'll use the nighthawk for the close up shots when you can see it clearly and then a dummy or cheaper gun for the wides.
Most of the guns used in the movies for most shots are rubber/plastic dummies. I watched a movie being filmed in our offices, and they do endless takes of the most simple shots - a guy getting out of a car and rushing into the office has something like 26 takes before they were happy!

In Band of Brothers, you don't think the BAR man toted a 23 pound BAR for all those scenes with no shooting, do you?

And frequently, the director does not care what gun is used (John Milius is the exception), as long as it looks right. Cops get blue semi-autos, bad guys (or "undercover narcs") get flashy chrome guns with special grips, terrorists use AK 47's, our troops all have M4's.

They call it Hollywierd for a reason!