I just returned from a meeting of my non-profit association. At that meeting a man from a marketing agency reported on a study his group completed in which they polled 100% of our state's senate and representatives. The results opened my eyes on how to get through. The number one response was "call and make an appointment"! Sit down and talk about the issue and relate it to their constituancy. This choice rated over 50%! When asked what they didn't like, the responses were, emotional appeal, large groups storming the buiding. One group sent a 3 ring binder with a one page position paper. The binder was labeled on the outside, "Information on (fill in, Gun Control). The group then proceeded to send another one page paper every other week to the senator or rep's secretary. When not in session, a duplicate was also sent to their house. Then appointments were made to visit. The findings were unbeliveable in that it was apparent that the congresscritter had actually opened and read the papers before the meeting. Maybe we should consider changing our tactics on how we get our point across.