Students expelled for fighting

cornered rat

People who try and do physically damage others and then show surprise at consequences are the same folks who later wonder why victims try to shoot them in the process of rape or robbery. I do not understand JJ and his cronies...why deliberately try to show young violent thugs that they can continue with impunity? Then again, if it puts JJ in the spotlight...

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
cornered rat,

This is a big story here in IL, as I imagine it has spread all over now. I dont understand why Rev JJ is sticking his nose in it. Those kids broke the rules now must suffer the consequence. Is two years suspension harsh? I dont think so at all. I think that is the only way kids are going to learn. What gets me is that particular school only gives a one year suspension if they bring a gun to school, but when they fight they get 2 years. To me that is sending a bad message, you can get in a fight and be expelled for 2 years, or just bring a gun you will only get one year. Doesn't make sense. IMO, JJ is doing this for two reasons, one if for publicity, the other is because those kids happen to be black kids. I am not a racist at all but I will bet if those kids were white you would not see the Rev JJ anywhere near that school. The kids messed up , too bad now they must pay for their mistakes no matter what color they are.
The 2000 elections are coming closer. jesse jackson needs to get his face in the paper and on television if he wants to play power broker in the democrat party. jesse did this for himself. He could care less about the students who were expelled.
David Duke is a pretty good white analog for JJ...neither speaks for many people.

As for suspension for bringing guns...I disagree with criminalizing possession rather than misuse. Next thing bringing fists to school will be an offense...
Here in Waterbury, Ct , our school board is
full of liberal, socialist, elitest gun grabbers and so they made a rule that the only book bags and back packs allowed in school must be made of see thru transparent plastic. In Aug. all the back to school stores were full of this really ugly looking
junk. When the parents of the kids found out about this, they held a protest against the ruling of the school board, but the school board, secure in their petty bureaucratic
power, refused to budge until the parents got a laywer and threatened to sue the city of Waterbury, which then ordered the school board to recind their edict immediately.
Thus the demise of the transparent (Uglier than a Glock) school bag.

TFL & Conn CAN Opperator, to join can free---- email
message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 19, 1999).]
From what I saw of the video of the guys fighting, EVERYONE WAS RUNNING from THEM.

Sometimes it seems like our nation is becoming a nation of sheep.

If one man would have stood against them and used some self-defense techniques that would
have STOPPED the aggressors then what a message that would have sent to others who want to terrorize people.

I wouldn't mind if I had been in that situation... several of the guys would have gone to the hospital with a HARD lesson learned.

No, deadly force probably would not have been justified, but non-lethal self-defense
would have been

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
Cornered Rat, I mean no disrespect, but did you just state that immature high school/middle school kids should be allowed to carry handguns into classrooms? Trained staff is one thing, but I heartily disagree with "allowing" teens to pack weapons in school.
I am not saying that all kids are mature enough to handle their own fists, much less guns. I am laso noting that many people, incl. many on this forum, have in the past brought rifles to school w/o any negative consequences.

Since I have no solution ready for this question, I merely intend to homeschool my kid is one ever happens. Then I would have a chance to verify the thinking ability and maturity level before issuing arms. (That assumes that I will ever be in a position to recent record isn't all that great).

And if you got to see the alledged "fight" that these kids got expelled for (been on TV here in Chicagoland several times), you'd quickly agree with the severity of the punishment. The kids started this fight in the crowded bleechers of a high school football game. There was obviously no concern for innocent bystanders as the fight escalated. Whatever happened to "let's take it out back"?

Jesse Jackson's interest seems to be unconcerned with the fact that these kids presented a very dangerous situation which could have turned uglier than it did. The fact that the majority of the school board there is white and the kids are black, seems to be more the issue. Racism is perpetuated and exploited by Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition, not diminished.

If Jackson gets involved you can count on two things being present...1) an opportunity to make a racial issue out of a non-racial issue, and 2) the media.

Recently, an Illinois Congressman, Bobby Rush, had an alledgedly innocent son who was gunned down. For days after his son died, Rush's message was clearly an anti-gun message...with sound bites a plenty. That until we all learned that Mr. Rush's son was involved in a drug deal gone bad. Hypocrisy!
Paul Revere, tell me more about Rush's son. I live in a hole (college dorm) and never hear the news unless it's a weekend or I'm on TFL . . . .
As for JJ, he can


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Bobby Rush's son was apparently shot twice. One of the bullets severed a major artery in his groin area. He apparently nearly bled to death on the scene. The crime scene photos tell the story. Rush's son was shot as he was entering the entrance door to his apartment building. After the shooting, Rush's son must have walked about 10 yards diagonally toward the street before collapsing. At each foot print and between was a significant blood trail.

He died in the hospital some days after the shooting. The media played this incident to the hilt, with Congressman Rush blaming the whole matter on "guns"..."we must get rid of these guns". However, further police investigations uncovered that the Congressman's son was involved in drug deals. He apparently owed several thousand dollars to some other thugs, who decided to cut their losses by eliminating the source of their debt.

Interestingly enough, Congressman Rush himself was a member of the "Black Panthers" here in Chicago in the 60's and 70's. No doubt the pertetrator of many criminal acts with firearms and drugs.

"Sorry for interrupting your Black Panther party"...(Forrest Gump).

[This message has been edited by Paul Revere (edited November 23, 1999).]