stuck on what glock to get.


New member
I am stuck on which model of glock pistol i want to get,
My basic debate is between the G-17 and the g-21

While you have to respect the 45acp caliber, 13 rounds is less than 17. and the 9mm definately kicks less, but the 45 is more accurate

both should be very decient guns, but i'm stuck on which to go for does anyone have an oppinion, or a suggestion for another model?

it will be used for open carry in the woods for protection from two legged preditors.
bullfrog99; Get the G-21. For woods carry I'd much prefer the 45acp. 13 round mags are going to cost you at least a hundred bucks. Gee, I wouldn't have any problem with 10 rounds of 45. If you were just an urban guy I'd go with the nine mill. Woods guy? Go with the 45 cal. Best, J. parker
I'm not sure this weill help or confuse you more, but here it goes:

The obvious compromise between the 17 and 21 is the 22. It's the full sized .40S&W. It's got the frame size of the 17.

I actually prefer the midsized guns (mine is the Glock 23). They just fit me better, and I often carry concealed. Especially if you're limited to 10 rounds, you don't give up much with the smaller guns.

Anyway, if you're concerned about 4 legged critters, you may want to look at the Glock 20. It's the 10mm version, and has the same frame size as the 21. While the larger guns (20 and 21) are a little big, the 10mm packs a heck of a wallop. 15+1 rounds isn't anything to sneeze at. Some say it's too much for 2 legged critters, but I think it's just right. It's on my list of things to buy.
Get the Glock 21. I have shot both G21s and G17s over the years. I have also owned both the G21 and G17. Currently, I have a G21 and G26. In every case the G21 has a HUGE accuracy advantage over the G17. My G21 can group at under 1.8" at 25 yards (sometimes even much better with certain handloads). The average G21 groups (when shooting several ammo brands) are 2" at 25 yards (my gun anyway). The G17s would not group better than 3" and the average was in the 4.5" range. Don't let recoil scare you off. IMO, the G21 is a very light recoiling .45 ACP. In fact, the snappy feel of the G17 bothered me MORE than the G21s moderate push. I like the grip on the G21 better (it depends on what your hand size is of course). I think the G21 is a far better gun than the G17. That said, I suggest you shoot both so that you will see what I am talking about...
The G17 will be much easier to learn how to shoot well. Ammo is cheaper, in practice you can shoot more before getting fatigued, and you're less likely to develop a flinch from shooting it. It will take less time to get proficient with it. Multiple hits quickly with a 9mm is easier to attain than with a .45acp. In practical use you won't notice a difference in accuracy between the 2 calibers, and with good ammo I doubt you'd see much of a difference at the range either. Also 4 more rounds is 4 more rounds. While you can't miss fast enough to hit, don't underestimate the value of suppresive fire either.

However I'm also in the school of thought that in a defensive pistol you want the largest caliber you can fire quickly and accurately. Ideally, I'd carry my G29 in 10mm if I could control it like I could control my G34 in 9mm, but the truth is that I'm not quite as good with it yet, so I carry the G34. The difference in caliber power may not even be that signifigant. When you look at the contoversial "one shot stop" statistics, the top performing loads of 9mm and .45 , and even 357 mag, .40, and 10mm are all within a few percentage points of each other, and I hope you would carry a good hollowpoiont load instead of FMJ. True, the larger calibers will destroy more tissue and cause more bleeding when they hit, but is it enough of a difference to offset the controlability you're losing? I think I'd rather have multiple hits in the center of mass with a controlable caliber but that's just me.

The short answer is I dont think you'll not be undergunned with the 9mm, it's killed and maimed a whole lot of people and should not be discounted. Stick with good hollowpoints whatever you decide to carry.
It depends on how big your hands are. The G17 is to big for me. I went with the G19 instead. It also depends on what you want it for. For CCW, the G26, or the G30 would be the choices. I went with the G26. As you have guessed by now, I am a 9mm man.
Tough call. I'd get the G21 for use in the woods. Even though it's only for 2-legged creatures, you may run into a few 3 or 4-legged ones. To add to the confusion is a Glock 31 357SIG...
If those are your only choices go with the 17.

I'd prefer the model 34 in 9mm myself, as it is very accurate and easy to shoot well.
I have a G17 and a G21. I settled on the G17 as a car gun and the G21 as a bedside gun, but I'm not quite sure why, other than purely personal preference. To me, the choice between these guns is basically a win-win decision.
I'd go for the G17.
Realistic self defense doesn't require you kill your assailant, it ensures he doesn't kill you (now...depending on where you live, you might wish you did kill him!).

We can go on for days about ballistics, but to no avail. We do know the probability is very low that you'll ever use you gun for self defense.
9mm is cheaper to practice with. A good +P or +P+ is a definite stopper.
.45's are great guns...I own two 1911's. But I carry the 9mm or a .38.
I know it wasn't one of your options, but as previously mentioned, you may want to think about 40S&W or 10mm. They both have more recoil than either the 9mm or the 45ACP, but are well worth it.