Stuck Nipples


New member
Okay guys, try to keep it straight. I have two stuck nipples in my Roger Old Army. I have tried ever "Easy out Liquid" I can find. Have not tried any heat. Cylinder and nipples are S.S. I have drilled out studs before but never anything like this. Figure I have the following choices and what do you guys think. Pistol shoots great on all chambers but kind of like having a gorgeous girlfiend with a wart on her nose.
  • Send it back to the factory ??
  • Drill them out and clean the threads?
  • Try heat and extra torque??
  • Live with the wart ??
I've had a problem like this once with my Repro. 3rd model Dragoon & had soaked the cylinder in hot cooking oil for bit of time to get it loosend up from a lot of shooting "& dummy me did not anti sieze the nipple threads."
I'd try a little heat. Not enough to discolor the metal but enough to burn your hand. Heat the cylinder around the nipple, not the nipple itself
Have you tried Kroil? That stuff penetrates better than any other stuff I have used. If that dosent work then use heat very carefully. Best of luck.
This is a problem that was posted on the The HIgh Road forum a while back.There was a lot of replies,you could do a search over there.

This is what I done.Soaked them in Liquid Wrench for 3 days,didn't work.Heated the cylinder with a blow drier,placed it on a workbench,placed the nipple wrench on the nipple and tapped it with a hammer 3or4 times,came right out.I had 3 nipples stuck in a used pistol that I bought,had already broke one nipple wrench.Maybe it was the combination of all the above but it worked.Don't hit it with a hammer,tapp on it with the hammer.

Some of the solutions on THR was soak the cylinder for a week in transmission fluid,some soaked it in deiseal fuel.See if you can find that thread.
The main reason nipple wrenches fail is because they slip up off the nipples. If you have access to a drill press, try this.

Clamp the cylinder, rear end up, in the drill press vise using leather jaws to prevent marring the cylinder.

Knock the handle off the nipple wrench and chuck the wrench in the drill press chuck.


Bring the nipple wrench down on the nipple and hold (or lock) the press down. This keeps the wrench from jumping off the nipple.

Turn the chuck by hand; it might take some "wiggling" back and forth, but the nipple will come out.

(This also works with tight screws, using those stubby screwdriver bits they make for the power tools or screwdriver sets.)

Get a pot big enough to hold your gun. Remove the grips (and anything else that comes off easily). Put the gun into the pot and add enough water to cover the gun completely. Add a healthy shot of household ammonia and put it on the stove until it comes to a boil. Turn off the heat and let it sit for a few minutes. Pull it out (use gloves for obvious reasons) and now try to pull the nipples off. I bet they'll pop right off. Black power primer is water and ammonia soluable. After you get them off, use compressed air to blow the gun completely dry - then oil it.
Clamp the cylinder, rear end up, in the drill press vise using leather jaws to prevent marring the cylinder.

A better way would be to use steel rods sligtly under chamber size in two opposite chambers. Clamp the rods in the vise. No marring the cylinder and a firm no slip grip. You could also use drill bits with the shank portion in the chambers.
It was suggested to place it in a metal container partially filled with transmission oil and heat it up, and then continue to soak it and re-heating it for as long as it takes, several days if necessary.
Stick toothpicks in the nipples to plug them then fill the cylinders about half full of Break-Free CLP and let it sit until you see the oil bleeding from the nipples. I bet 20 bucks that will work.
Certianly want to thank Y'all for all the input. Going to put in order and try your suggestions. Will let Y'all know how I make out and really think that one or more of these suggestions will work. As for WilliamD, I'm reminded of the following;
You can take the boy out of the Navy but you can't take the Navy out of the boy.