Strobe Talbott Predicts End of USA

I take it your real problem with this is not that Talbott figures the USA will come to an end someday (Anyone with the slightest inkling of history knows that nothing lasts forever) but the fact that this twerp is LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! If my kids wouldn't have to deal with it I'd be hoping he got exactly the kind of one-world, global government he asks for (Read: DESERVES)


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
WEhats the big surprise? The only thing that still surprises me is the belief of the sleeping masses that our leaders, and the leaders of the rest of the western world are concerned about their individual nations they lead. Nope. All of this sinking crowd are working for Global Government and anyone who gets in the way such as LePen in France, Perot in America,orChavez in Venzuela are demonized by the co trolled world media.
Shucks, and I thought it was going to be a Fire and Brimstone of apocalyptic nature. Does it mean I don't have to file taxes?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
For posterity (the link will be no good once Matt updates his page):
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>


Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott believes the United States may not exist in its current form in the 21st Century -- because nationhood throughout the world will become obsolete!

Talbott, who is profiled in the NEW YORK TIMES on Monday [for the second time in six months], has defined, shaped and executed the Clinton administration's foreign policy. He has served at the State Department since the first day of the Clinton presidency.

Just before joining the administration, Talbott wrote in TIME magazine -- in an essay titled "The Birth of the Global Nation" -- that he is looking forward to government run by "one global authority."

"Here is one optimist's reason for believing unity will prevail ... within the next hundred years ... nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority," Talbott declared in the July 20, 1992 issue of TIME.

"A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th century -- 'citizen of the world' -- will have assumed real meaning by the end of the 21st."

Talbott continued: "All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing circumstances. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary."

Talbott's belief that the United States of America and other nations are "artificial and temporary" continues to cause a rift inside of the State Department, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"I think we are losing sight that we work for the American taxpayer, not Russia, not Asia," one State Department veteran told the DRUDGE REPORT in Washington. "Mr. Talbott is completely consumed with world order and has alienated many career employees here. [His] attitude borders on obsession."

In recent months, Talbott has come under fire for his stand on Russia. The policy of financial and political engagement with Russia as revelations pour forth of massive money-laundering schemes has made Talbott the target of critics, reports John Broder at the TIMES.

"We have to be calm and steady and have a clear sense of purpose," Talbott tells Monday's NEW YORK TIMES.

"One of my modest suggestions to the world is strategic patience. We have to be calm and steady and have a clear sense of purpose when that dynamic is discouraging, as it is today," Talbott explains.

Global government has proven to be slightly more complicated than one optimist dreamed. [/quote]

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed—and thus clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
Let's see....who else had a vision of "One World Governments"?

Adolf Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Ayatolli Khomani.

My, my what an impressive and dignified groupof visionaries.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
For you young kids out there, browse through, say, Yahoo, for "Wendell Wilkie". He ran against FDR in 1936 or 1940 (?. I'm lazy.) His platform was "One World", among other things...

I guess what bothers me against professional clowns like Strobe Talbott--who's learned little about people during his unelected political career--is that they ignore the fact that many countries never have and cannot now govern what they have. How can any rational person believe some world government made up of people from these very countries govern a whole planet?

The problem, of course, is that these One-Worlders expect the US taxpayer to keep on shelling out for the costs of their sophomoric pipedreams.

Not in my lifetime, Art
Talbott advocates a central world gov't and is actively working towards that goal. Talbott is also an employee in the government of a Constitutional republic who has sworn to uphold that Constitution.
It appears that he either lied when he took his oath or has since changed his either case there is a clear conflict of interest and job performance negligence. It is also clear that he is guilty of conspiracy to commit treason.

Why is this guy walking around free? and still picking my checkbook?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC-- I suppose there is one other possible permutation; that he is in fact suggesting that the entire world will be under the U.S. constitution. This is arrogant to the extreme, imperialistic, and very likely his thinking.

I don't want to be under the same constitution as the current Australia, or Great Britain, or China.

Whatever happened to "embracing our differences"?? You know, eschewing the "Great Melting Pot" in favor of the "Giant Salad Bowl"-- able to interact, yet preserving the discrete characteristics of the individual unit...?

Me, I'm about ready to see the nations set up like the "Monstrous Swanson Hungry Man Dinner"-- keep your apple cobbler in its little tray, and I'll keep my Swiss steak in its... oh, never mind!!! :)


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


I agree. Why isn't the FBI in Talbott's office with an arrest warrant? Oh, I know. Janet Reno runs the Justice Department, and Bubba controls Reno.
Why is not Strob under arrest? Because world govwenment is already here and he is one of its formulators and a close friend of the Big Comrade. He can talk about world govenment and the only opposition is from crazies on the shortwave. you know, those nutty patriots who talk about a stupid constitution .
I look forward to it. I wish I would live long enough to see it!

Why do I think this way? Because the world cannot sustain the current level of freedoms people enjoy. Can you imagine 3 billion chinese all driving cars? What would that do the the earth's environment? Global control will arise out of global ecological calamity. The human race must be "contained", it must be "throttled back". it must be slowed or even reversed as the world cannot sustain continued human expansion or growth. Humans are poisoning the oceans, the air, the land. The ozone hole is increasing, plant fuana is being "burned" by UV radiation at the higher altitudes and this is a portend for the future.....etc, etc. Human populations must be reduced by disease, or any other method in order to secure the world for our offspring. One World Government is the answer. Talbot has it exactly right........

One world government? And you thought Hitler was evil?!?!? Make your preparations! The media will lead the charge. It's already happening! Welcome to a brave new world order where "control" of human populations is the order of the day. Personally, I wish I were on the inside of this power struggle. At least my life would be good while it lasted.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited September 28, 1999).]
Hitler could only dream of doing what these Satanic creatures like Talbott and otheres of the one world crowd will be doing in the next few years. Pure , pure evil rules the western camp and former Soviet union. Unless nationalist and populist forces take power in Europe and Amerika, the world is doomed to be subjegated and nearly destroyed by these elites like ta`lbott.
Frank, Ivan8883: The scariest part about these people is two-fold: 1) They are as sincere as anybody could be about anything that their ideas will lead to a better world for all people. I've been around some of that crowd, and they even believe this nonsense when they're drunk! 2) Whatever rules must be made to achieve this should not necessarily apply to them. Clintonesque behavior...

Schizoidal arrogance? Certainly it's ideological, but the degree of faith is of a religious nature which would shame the most devout fundamentalist!

Regards, Art

Messianic complex?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!