Stripping Out Clean out Plug on Hawkins

On occasion, when disassembling for cleaning, I often have problems stripping the flats on the cleanout plug. Is there a special small screwdriver to take these out. I usually get a couple of years out of a plug before it gets bad. But last night after going to the range, the plug was really stuck. After just about messing it up and a lot of cursing, I finally got it out, but the flats on plug are deformed and stripped so I have to buy another one. Anyone have a trick they can share? How did a mountain main take this plug out 160 years ago in the wilderness?:confused:

Well, yes, I think there is.

I'm going to recommend a set of gunsmith's screwdrivers, although if this is the only screw you're having a problem with the solution is a bit expensive.

Brownell's, among others, sells gunsmith tools. Chapman's is a good quality set and it should contain the one you need. I would imagine you can find a smaller set for less money, but this one is a good assortment, so the odds of it having the bit you'll need are quite good.

Also, if you're not already doing so, consider using some thread anti-seize compound on the screw threads. I use Thompson Center's Bear Grease - there are lots of good alternatives.
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How did a mountain main take this plug out 160 years ago in the wilderness?
I kinda doubt they did. Course I wasn't there so it's just speculation on my part. I have an Investarms Hawken that's 30 some years old and I've never seen the need to remove it. I seriously doubt it would come out now.