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    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

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"strikes" instead of closure

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New member
I understand that forum moderators have a large job with limited tools, but is there any way to "give strikes" or such to individuals who continually cause strife on the forums.

I don't usually get to check the forum until the wee hours of the morning, and by that time many of the interesting or "colorful" post are closed due to the postings of a few who cannot seem to control their words.

I understand you guys have a big job. Thanks a lot for what you guys do.
Yes, we have an infraction system and we use it. However, unless you are the member receiving the infraction, it won't be at all obvious that it was given.

Threads that are closed are seldom closed due to only one or two members misbehaving in it even though it may appear that way on the surface. Often there are deleted posts that added to the decision to close, or the topic itself was on shaky grounds from the gitgo.

If any member thinks a thread should be re-opened for a good reason, they only have to PM the moderator who closed it stating their case for re-opening it. Re-opening a thread only so a member can add their "two cents" is not a good reason.
We ran out of rattlesnakes. With the snake wranglers charging a lot more for one these days due to the high demand, we decided to go with a gentler approach. Now, if and when the economy improves ...
I'm sure someone in India (or elsewhere in Asia or Africa) could be convinced to procure cobras (of some variety) for that purpose for cheap...

An elegant snake-in-the-mail, for a more civilized age?
"I'm sure someone in India (or elsewhere in Asia or Africa) could be convinced to procure cobras (of some variety) for that purpose for cheap..."

Oh that's just frigging great, Tyme!

You're one of the reasons why this country is in such a freaking financial mess these days!

Just another person more than happy to send good American jobs overseas!

Hey Mike,

Did I do something wrong? Found a rattler in my driveway yesterday. While I was seperating it's head from it's body with a shovel, Mrs. Grymster kept asking me why I was grumbling about TLF and Mike Irwin and how I didn't do nuthin' to deserve this and how I was gonna get even and.... :D
Thanks for answering the question guys... that's good to know.

And yeah... I'm all for reverting to the snakes thing... sounds like it would solve problems with the repeat offenders.

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