Like a lot of things, terms drift a bit, over time, and with different folks using them.
"Striker fired" came about as an easy quick classification for guns that didn't have a visible hammer. More precise terms describing the details of the actions are striker fired, hammer fired and concealed hammer fired.
What is called the striker in some pistols is called the firing pin in others.
Also, don't fall into the trap of assuming that the most common designs today are the only ones that fall into the "striker fired" group.
The GLock is striker fired, but so is the Luger, and they are much different mechanically.
In general use today, if a hammer hits it, its usually called a firing pin. If a spring drives it, it's usually called a striker, but there is no hard and fast rule and the terms are essentially interchangeable.
The spring driven "strikers" of bolt action rifles are almost always called firing pins. Unless you are British