street fighting.


New member
Im looking at all these posts and seeing that many folks here are upset/concerned about their votes being flushed down the toilet. But dont worry all is well :)

And if its not, what are *YOU*, going to do about it?

"Civil Disobediance"?,..rioting? protests? Letters to your (socialist) Senators/Congresswoman?

Yeah, you'll really "show them". Wont you, lol!

The last time the Nation was this divided was in the 1960s. And back then, those gun hating socialists won. Now they are President, VEEP, and 1st lady,...sorry,.. make that *SENATOR*.

Some people on this board think that such talk is too "radical" and will relect "negatively" on gun owners.

(like they really care).

Well now. The Nation is divided (yet again) because of "them". They will not go away. You dont think they havnt been training, preparing, planning, for such an "emergency"??

take a peek:
Just an off topic question, since you posted that pic, when they show these pictures, are they just posing for the camera? My background is military, not Law Enforcement, but I have worked small unit and room clearing tactics in several parts of the world, and my team would NOT be huddled up like that in hostile territory. If those are really the approved tactics, I would argue that the team members would be better served by a good .357 revolver than those M16s, since they planly do not expect to draw hostile fire, and the revolver leaves one hand free.
It's obviously LE or forced entry stuff where they don't have to worry about grenades, belt fed machine guns or an enemy patrol in the building opposite them. Guess it works for them. But situation will determine tactics. Bunching up is usually very bad. Semper Fi...Ken
This can't be LEO because they can't perform "dynamic entry" under weight of gear shown, to include canteens and redundant mags. Partial NBC gear is shown.

They don't expect to move quickly, as shown by the weight distributed heavily down upon the AR of the 4th member of the stick, and the toes-down orientation of the last member's feet. (He will have to get his toes under him to move.) It further appears that the 2nd stick member (w/out helmet) is sitting on his right leg. And armed with a notebook.

So, these guys don't expect to have to move quickly, but are bunched together. They are burdened in a manner atypical of police, but not behaving like military.

Um...I'm guessing...I dunno. I give. Who are they?
The correct guess would probably be marines since there is one of these is obviously not like the others (can you see the Jarhead :) Observer/Controller). As soon as all the paranoia calms down, the military is greatly expanding it's training in urban ares, why? To take over the US and oppress the good people of California, or because much of the world is now urbanized, most current operations are in urban areas, since 1989 we have fought urban battles in both Panama and Somalia? You decide. Remember, just because you read it on the internet, doesn't mean it's true.

Also, most soldiers do not have extensive or good training in CQC, so you will see a lot of errors.


Of course these are Marines.
Look at the cap of the fellow second from the right. Thats Marine headgear, not Army Navy Airfarce, police or Jerry's Kids.
Also the give away is the web-gear or Load Bearing Equipment.
See how old it is? Police and Army do get newer stuff... Marines seem to get second hand equipment. ;)
I suspect the guy with the notebook is a referee or observer. Note the white band on his cover, plus the fact that the rest of the stick is in partial NBC while he has neither face mask nor gloves.
