Strange happenings while at the gun range.

Recycled bullet

New member
I hope it is okay to share my words here that I've shared on another forum already. IF it's not okay THEN please remove my post.

So as I was practicing shooting I happened to turn around and look at the floor and saw splotches of blood. Bright red splotches, completely unmistakable with anything else. This was concerning so I looked around and I saw in the lane next to me was a young man maybe in his twenties and an older gentleman in his mid-60s. They were taking turns shooting some old pistols. I saw the older gentleman was bleeding from his hand and it was leaking on the floor. I saw this and I asked him if he needed help? Does he need to call a ceasefire?? Does he need medical attention, is everything okay? Why is there blood pooled on the ground all around his shoes leaking from his obviously cut hands -to which he replied "NOOOOO I'm not bleeding" and put his hands behind his back like a child hiding a candy wrapper.

I ended up talking to the younger man when the older man went to take a bathroom break. The problem was is the older gentleman was crossing his thumbs over each other and when the slide reciprocated it was cutting him badly.

Another time I was shooting and the guy in the next lane was obviously very new and inexperienced. I'd estimate he was in his 50s or 60s. I watched him do some Strange Behaviors. First he loaded the magazine, put it in the gun, cycle the slide to charge the pistol, remove the magazine set the pistol down on the bench, then he picked up the pistol and as he was picking it up with his finger touching the trigger he bumped the trigger with his finger and it startled him so bad when the gun fired I couldn't tell if he forgot the gun was loaded or if he just was unable to comprehend firing cycle of semi-automatic pistols. He also couldn't understand how removing the magazine still allowed the handgun to fire. He did this twice and so I asked him if he needed help, and I explained to him that removing the magazine does not unload the barrel, told me no he has an instruction manual and he'll just practice reading it and I'll respect the willingness to read that but at the same time I'm not going to get shot so I packed up my stuff and left and notified the range officer that man needs some help to operate his pistol.

Another time I was shooting at a different range I took my father with me to go shooting for his birthday. As we are shooting one of us will shoot the other one will load magazines, and I make a habit of periodically looking around for stupid stuff happening when I'm loading mags. In the lane immediately adjacent there was a young couple probably in the early twenties a man and a woman taking turns shooting a rental Glock. What caught my attention was she was taking a selfie picture of herself with the handgun but the problem was she was holding the loaded gun across her breast which was now pointed at my dad's head!! The plywood and carpet Lane dividers are not bulletproof! And even if they were made of half inch steel plate that would still be completely unacceptable ! There seem to be some sort of language issue I think they were foreign exchange students from Korea. She couldn't or would not understand why it was not a good idea to point a gun in any direction other than down range. I called a cease fire then the range officer wanted to argue with me about how it wasn't a big deal!! He said something real ignorant " nobody got hurt so it's okay" . Then he got upset when I went to complain to management. And this is why I don't shoot at that range anymore.
Venting is reasonable I think.

The gentleman with cuts could use some education.

Leaving a range with unsafe shooters seems very reasonable and telling the range personal sounds correct.

I would likely not go back to the range where they think it is okay to point a firearm in unsafe directions.
The first scenario - I'd stay out of it. People don't like to be "schooled" while they are shooting. So, unless they are being unsafe, I'd let it go.

Second and Third scenarios could be safety problems. I'd leave or switch lanes.

You get some real macho idiots at gun ranges some times. Especially if they are with women. I let a lot of stuff slide, but not people who can't keep their muzzles pointed down range.
You see some of the worst gun handling at the range. People buy a firearm, never having owned one, then never seek training.

Everytime I go to the range, the RO's have to yell at someone over the PA system. The worst being people that sit down behind their rifle, when there's a cease fire, with people down range.
I've had similar experiences at public ranges, and I no longer go to open to the public indoor ranges. It's bad enough driving with the morons on the roads, but I feel a little more confident in avoiding them than a bullet from a moron.

I drive 70 minutes to the private, outdoor range and I am usually in a berm, or on the line by myself. If I am on a common line and there is someone there or if someone shows up new, I watch and assess. Much higher proficiency and competence in our club than at the public range.

A friend of mine was fired from ROing at an indoor range because he wore his bullet proof vest to work. :(
Another time I was shooting at a different range I took my father with me to go shooting for his birthday. As we are shooting one of us will shoot the other one will load magazines, and I make a habit of periodically looking around for stupid stuff happening when I'm loading mags. In the lane immediately adjacent there was a young couple probably in the early twenties a man and a woman taking turns shooting a rental Glock. What caught my attention was she was taking a selfie picture of herself with the handgun but the problem was she was holding the loaded gun across her breast which was now pointed at my dad's head!! The plywood and carpet Lane dividers are not bulletproof! And even if they were made of half inch steel plate that would still be completely unacceptable ! There seem to be some sort of language issue I think they were foreign exchange students from Korea. She couldn't or would not understand why it was not a good idea to point a gun in any direction other than down range. I called a cease fire then the range officer wanted to argue with me about how it wasn't a big deal!! He said something real ignorant " nobody got hurt so it's okay" . Then he got upset when I went to complain to management. And this is why I don't shoot at that range anymore.
That's a range officer who should not be a range officer.
My oldest son works at a gun shop with a range in town. He's got stories of all kinds of ignorant people, and some plain stupid people. He's banned more than one shooter from ever coming back.
The middle aged or older person who seem to be familiarizing themselves with a first gun is a whole genre who concern me and sometimes have me leaving.

Shooting and range culture are two separate things and the initial learning curve can be steep. Part of the problem at some state ranges is that new people get a quick robotic run through the range rules. Worse, I've seen ROs hand someone a list of 19 rules on the way in. That never sticks. People almost always violate rules out of ignorance, not malice.

Sometimes it's in my interest to render some help. My last incident involved an older fellow who was having trouble with his shotgun. He addressed this by pointing it down the line and at me. Twice I walked down the line and told him that wasn't how to handle the arm. The third time, I may not have been thoroughly pleasant, but let him know that he was going to put the shotgun away so we wouldn't have a problem.

More often, if someone looks to be a problem, I just leave. I like shooting, but not enough that I want it to be the last thing I do.
The rage I used to shoot at had the person who was the senior member at the range act as the RO. By senior, I mean time in grade. Someone complained so they hired a retired prison guard to be the RO. Worst thing they could have ever done. He treats everyone like the prisoners he used to bully. One day I was at the range during a cease fire. There were three other men there and I cleared it with them to set up my chronograph. Mr. RO comes over swearing like a drunken sailor and kicks me off the range telling no one is allowed to set up a chronograph during a cease fire. I said you sure as can't during a hot range. he said pack up and go home. I complained at the next club meeting and they backed him up. I'd just renewed so I said fine, refund the dues I just paid an ai'll leave. It got nasty. I'd been a member since the last few months of 1979 and never had a problem until that guy showed up. I've since heard quite a few of the older members have left thanks to that guy. He ruined the best shooting range in town.
Paul B.
When we are on our annual visit to Arizona, Christmas time, to visit family, I always take my daughter and wife to a range, mainly to make sure the girl is proficient with her CC revolver. While I was supervising the daughter my wife was watching the other shooters. While we were leaving she said,” All our holes are clustered together in the same spot, these other people have holes all over the paper.” They were quite surprised when I said, “Well, you shoot better than most cops.”