Strange car outside

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New member
Im not exactly sure why but every once in a while I see a strange car outside on the street. In these situations I do not call the police because there is no law violated, but I just feel I have to make it known to the people in the car that yes we do see you.

So what I did just now was turn on the outside flood lights. By the time I got back upstairs the car was gone. It goes down like that every time.

I dont believe strangers should be actively engaged, but you should give them a hint that you are aware of them. For the strange man or vehicle on the street your level of awareness has to be raised and a subtle action taken letting the stranger know that yes we see you.
Awareness is a good thing, but a lot of that depends on where you live.

In a high density urban environ, you might not know who's car is parked in front of your house. In a suburban environ, you might or might not know.

I used to live, literally, down a half-mile of bad road and the road ran out in my front yard. If you came down there, you either knew me personally, or you were "by-God" lost.
Thats the kind of antagonistic behavior which should not be promoted or encouraged. I know you are probably kidding around, but this tbread is for the promotion of a more subtle approach to these strange situations.
If it continues to happen I would call the police before turning on the flood lights. If they are outside your home they are not a threat, but are a POTENTIAL threat. Doesn't hurt to have the cops ask them a few questions. Could be burglars casing your house or could be a couple that decided your street is quiet, and dark enough for their rendezvous. Ya never know.

I would not leave the safety of your home to engage them.
I'm not kidding in the least. I walk around my home, outside, openly carrying. I'm not saying go up to the guy and confront him. Just wash your car windows or check your mail. It's not antagonistic in my state. Yours may be different.

If you feel like that's a little too much then go outside and make a call on your cellphone. Call your home answering machine if you don't have anyone to call.

Do you have his license number, make model color car? Description of the occupant(s)? Photos?

If I understand correctly, you turn on the outside lights and he drives off. But he comes back later or the next day. Is it the exact same time every day? That can be a big clue. Daytime or night time? I guess if you turn the lights on it's always night time.

What's your gut tell you he's doing? What does he seem to be doing while parked there? Is he looking down at something (map, texting, laptop)? Is he looking up, watching some house? Is he the one your neighbor is cheating with, waiting for you neighbor's spouse to leave? Is he a Pvt Investigator watching one of your neighbors who is cheating on their spouse or claiming insurance disability? Is he a divorced dad picking up his kid for visitation from his ex-wife, your neighbor?

Sgt Lumpy
Openly carrying may let people know what you have inside the home so when you are gone they have more reason to come inside.

Now this isnt the same person. Over the years there is always a random car every so often. They could be kids or just lost...who knows, its probably something innocent, but just in case I want to show them that someone is watching.
I wouldn't be overly concerned. There's a pretty good chance it's a car full of teenagers smoking pot. Don't ask how I know :rolleyes:

It kinda does depend on where you live though. I grew up less than a 5 minute drive from Boston and it was not at all uncommon for someone to stop and sit on the brick wall or stairs in front of your house. Almost every house in my town was a 2 or even 3 family house so you were constantly seeing people you don't know.
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Get some binoculars and start logging the license plate. If the same one shows up a few times, call the police to have them check it out. Could it be any kind of criminal activity that generates traffic?
Tag #....

If no one is around it & it's not moving, Id note the license tag #.
If it still sits there without moving for long periods, contact your local code enforcement office. They can cite it, then if it sits around, tow it away. :D

I lived in the metro Pittburgh PA area in the 1990s. My landlord(a former mayor & "big wheel" in local politics) would contact the code enforcement guys all the time for disabled or abandoned motor vehicles.

PS: Be aware that sometimes, the "vehicle" may be a auto theft bait car or in use by a PI or narcotics cop.
I've run across all types of cops & armed professionals with strange vehicles; Deputy US Marshals, US Secret Service, ICE, PIs, bail agents, DEA, etc.
but this tbread is for the promotion of a more subtle approach to these strange situations.
Why be so subtle?

why not go out and take note of the license plate and take a photo of the car? That might not be so subtle, but not unexpected for any neighborhood watch program. Since the car eventually returns, it seems they don't care so much about the flood lights (I think Treg has a good point). If the suspects know you have a permanent record of their vehicle then they might be inclined to find an easier neighborhood to victimize than yours...

FWIW: I don't view Sgt Lumpys suggestion as antagonistic. Not what I would necessarily do, but not antagonistic.
but just in case I want to show them that someone is watching.

Show 'em.

If open carry bothers you, then CCW. Or don't carry if you feel that safe. Go out and water your plants. Pick up your newspaper. Don't have a newspaper? Get one and leave it on your driveway till they come back again.

Call a friend. Have him come over to "pick something up". Have your friend innocently pull up in back of the car a couple of car lengths but leave his lights on. Or have him just pull into your driveway. You go out and meet your friend. While the two of you are out there talking, take photos, take down lic numbers etc. The friend angle gives you an innocent way to go out there. It's your house. You have every right to be in your front yard.

There's a gazillion ways to try and get them to move along. Try several. I don't recommend doing the same thing every time. And I don't recommend relegating it to "It's probably ok" status.

Sgt Lumpy
I used to live on a country road and would occasionally see strange vehicles. I just walked up to them and asked if they needed any help.

Usually just lost.
That was me ! Just trying to nock a piece off and then I seen the porch lights come on , we then had to move a couple miles. :eek:
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Replace one of the flood lights with one that has a automatic sensor, when they drive up it will automatically go off and I doubt that you will see that car around after that.

Just be sure to get the make and liscence#. Then just leave him/her alone. The light trick seems to work well also.
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