Strange .45 ACP derringer


New member
I saw a very odd .45 acp single action single shot pistol today. It's not mine, so I have no picture.

In general shape, it looks like a Cobray Model D. The differences are that the barrel/chamber doesn't tip up or screw off, instead it twists off like an old-fashioned slotted bayonet on the end of a musket. You twist off the barrel/chamber, load the round into the twisted off part, and then twist it back on. The hammer looks vaguely like an old ball peen hammer in miniature and must be cocked for the thing to fire. The person who has this pistol and I both agree that only an idiot would try to fire it.

Also, the stock is wood with a bird beak end. The markings are almost indecipherable because of collected crud. There does seem to be an initial letter G plus a couple of other letters/numbers on both the barrel and the frame.

I have done a bunch of image searching, that's how I noticed the vague similarity to a Cobray Model D.

Anybody have a clue as to what this is?
Pictures, please.

Based only on your description, I am stumped. Let's see if anyone else can come through.

twist like this?

or like this?
No, twists completely apart, like unscrewing, only there's no thread - just a post on the frame and a slot in the barrel/chamber.
More like the lower picture, except that the chamber/barrel is cylindrical with the chamber section being deeply checkered to facilitate twisting.
Andres - what make is the swivel barrel you show in the top photo? Caliber?

I have one that looks to be like yours - I believe about a .32 or close to that. No markings but a 3 digit number stamped on the brass grip frame when the small rosewood (??) grips are removed. I'd post a photo of it but it is at my house in AZ in the safe.

At one time, I saw one identical to mine that was marked "Bacon"? Any info appreciated.