Straight pull or pump rifle


Just looking to see if there is any straight pull bolt action or pump rifle outside of the 7600 in America or if that a European deale

Not quite sure about the exact nature of your inquiry, could you reword it so as to be a bit clearer and more specific?

In current production, the only centerfire pump I am aware of is the Remington. There have been others offered over the course of time offered by Savage, IMI Universal and Colt (the latter 3 in assorted pistol calibers). Remington has offered pump/slide action centerfire rifles since the early 1900's if not before. In rimfire, Remington and Henry both offer a pump at this time. Historically, Winchester offered .22 pumps as well, the last being the Model 270 I think. Both Rem and Win have offered pump .22's since the early 1900's as well. This is all from memory and is likely not complete, others may well add to the list. I think the pump/slide action is a US speciality and not sure if any other maker overseas has ever designed or released a pump.

Straight pull bolts are a Euro thing, I am not aware of any straight pull centerfire rifles designed and produced in the US. Browning offered a .22 T-bolt which was very nice and released recently for a second time, I do not know if it is current production, they were made by FN and later a Japanese outfit. There are some .22 straight pulls seen in biathlon, likely Euro (Merkel or Anshutz). The Blaser centerfire is still made I am sure there are other Euro makers. HIstorically, there was the Ross as well and again, certainly others.
If you mean a pump centerfire in current production that you can go buy new. I think the Remington is about it.

If you're desperate for a straight pull "bolt" action, you can make one out of any gas operated semi auto. Just disable the gas system and there you go...:D
The Swiss K31 is a fine CF rifle; it uses a straight pull bolt.
Biathlon....hugely popular Winter sport in Europe...uses straight pull (Fortner) .22s. The most often seen is the Anschutz 1827.
There is also the iZHMASH 7-4 from Russia.
There was the Browning BPR which looks like a BAR with movable foreend.
Made only 1997-2001, I assume in anticipation of AWB II.
Remington makes a great pump action hunting rifle. Fast and reliable. Accuracy past 2nd shot diminishes fast. It's not a range gun. In states like PA that dont allow semi auto, it's a great substitute.
Only current straight pull that I'm aware of is the Blaser R8. Seems to be a great rifle. Little pricey for entry level. I have no personal experience with one.
Swiss K31 was a great example of old straight pulls. Good for range or hunting. But, heavy to carry. Steyr M1895 is a nice lightweight straight pull. Hard hitting 8x56r ammo is available in 208gr soft points.
Thanks guys I was just wondering about the straight pull bolt because I have a friend from Germany that was telling me about them and thought they sounded interesting. And the pump was because my grandpa had one and I always thought they were cool
Straight pull bolt action rifles had a brief popularity with some militaries around the turn of the 20th century, some hung on through the end WW2, namely the Swiss K31rifles and the Steyr-Mannlicher M1895.

Other examples are the Swiss Schmidt–Rubin & K31, the American 1895 Lee Navy, the Canadian Ross rifle, several varieties of Mannlicher rifles starting in 1886.

I think there are still some .22LR target rifles that are straight pull, but the only centerfire I am aware of is from Blaser.

If you want to go down a pretty deep straight-pull rabbit hole, start here:
Straight pull

“Still some .22 target rifles”...
Anschutz 1827


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Straight pull bolt actions were excessively complicated(read 'expensive') to manufacturer.
The Canadian Ross rifle was designed by a Brit and jammed down our throats by a corrupt nutcase politician because he PO'd the Brits during the Boer War. It was a great target rifle but due to very close manufacturing tolerances, failed as a battle rifle and was dumped in 1916.
"...Still some .22 target rifles..." Yep. Most Biathlon rifles are straight pull. There have been several U.S. marketed straight pulls. The Browning Acera being one. Discontinued in 2000.
As mentioned, most of 'em are European made. Germany, for example. snicker.
Pumps are more of an American thing. Most are .22's. The 7600 was pre-dated by the 760. Troy Industries makes an AR in .300 BO too. And some other brands that are antiques now.