Straight from the weasel's mouth


Staff Alumnus
From (motto: Kill the 2nd and Protect the 1st!):

WASHINGTON, May 25 — The House Republican leadership announced today its support for gun control measures included in a juvenile crime bill passed by the Senate last week. Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said he hoped to get the bill to the House floor by mid-June.

[translation: We'd move faster, but we'd be lynched.]

House Speaker [a.k.a. The Weasel in the Henhouse] Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., said the final product would require gun sellers to provide safety devices, background checks at gun shows and other gun control measures approved by the Senate.

"We support commonsense legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of unsupervised children," Hastert said in a floor speech.

[We? Like the Royal We?]

But both Hastert and Hyde said they will not be rushed into a vote by Democrats demanding immediate action on the Senate-passed legislation.

[Nope. They'll rush into the vote before Frank and Chuck and Bill and Janet can screech at them].

“We don’t want to be stampeded. We want this to be a good bill,” Hyde, R-Ill., said at a news conference.

[A good gun-control bill? Can you say "oxymoron?"]

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
As a long time ferret owner, I just want to say that characterizing these morons as "weasels" is insulting to ACTUAL weasels :D.
