Storing gun parts


New member
Hi, all,

I bought a parts kit for a USP (as a hedge against HK going the way of UAL or adopting a zero-tolerance policy for civilians. :rolleyes: ) I'd like to store it long-term. What is the best way to prevent rust and damage?

- pdmoderator
I'd say apply a light film of oil to all the metal parts and store them in a sealed container with some kind of moisture wick.
Use the modern GI method.
Buy some sheets of Vapor paper from Brownell's. Wrap the parts in the paper and put in an ammo box or other sealed container. The Vapor paper will absolutely prevent any rust or corrosion for at least 10 years.
GI gun grease (or stuff you use on your auto if you're too lazy to go down to the surplus store or gun store). Seal in zip lock bag afterwards.