Storing documents,jewelry,guns,ammo in a Safe?


New member
Hi folks,

I am wondering if you have any experience in storing jewelry,documents,guns and ammo in the same safe? Does this mix cause any damage to documents and jewelry? I cannot afford to get two separate safes due to how small my apartment is so I need to make do with one safe. Appreciate any advice.
Thank you Jay24bal.
My concern was mostly if the lead in the ammo/gun would corrode any gold or silver jewelry that I might store in the same place.
Don't over-oil the guns and you should be fine.

I've stored papers, coins, jewelry, in with the guns for 35 years, with no ill effects to anything.
Huh, I never even considered that the different metals may react.

While I do not have 35 years of experience like Kiliamenjaro to back it up, I have not seen any signs of such reactions after 10ish years (I am only 28!).

Good luck.
Be sure to keep a rechargeable desiccant pack in your safe if you live in a humid area! Otherwise your guns can rust and your documents can mold. I keep 3 rechargeable dehumidifiers and rotate them out one at a time to charge. If you get a large safe, there is a product called Golden Rod that is basically a heating element. It is supposed to work my heating up the air and forcing out moist air. Be careful not to place any items that can damaged by heat too close to the heating rod. Papers will yellow or brown if placed too close. Jewelry should be fine in the safe. Silver will tarnish no matter what you do. Gold, platinum, and diamonds should be fine.
Jay24bal and Stephen426

Jay24bal- Thank you for your comments-

Stephen426- Thank you and I will make sure to invest into dessicants for my safe-

Can't personally speak to the potential adverse effects of metallic storage non/reaction but I am glad I read the thread to see others comments here just in case I do so in the future (learn something new every day in the forums!).

However, in the many years I have been storing my modest collection of firearms I have never purchased a more important, cheap and easy solution than the aforementioned Renewable Wireless Mini Dehumidifiers :)! Literally these things should be required Basic Storage 101 items as the return on a say roughly a $50 investment (depending on quantity and type) render years of rust-free guns.

While I do meticulously maintain all of my valuables including firearms, my stuff is located in a basement which in the Mid-West can be subject to Extreme Gulf moisture/humidity (forget immigration, if they could just find a way to keep that awful humidity from crossing the southern border it would be Fantastic ;) ).