Store Clerk in Hurst Texas shoots robber


Just saw a story on FOX that a store clerk in Hurst, Texas shot and killed a man who had robbed him several times in just the past month. The guy will not face any charges as he had a right to defend himself. +1 for guns:cool:
Hey Doug:
That is good news that he "took a gun off the street", which I do tend to hear on the show "Cops" a great deal.

The sad part is (IMHO) the part about the shopkeeper "not having to face charges" needs to be included.

It used to be a given that when some jerk off went into someplace (and pointed a gun at an innocent person in commission of a robbery, there was no question that the person who defended theirselves would not face charges. (The old gun safety rule was, do not point a gun at anyone you do not intend to kill)

Now days with the leftist D.A.'s in many counties, we have to wait for an announcement that the victim "will not face charges" for shooting these worthless shreds of human debris)

Have a great (and hopefully safe) day sir.
