

Which is better for storage in a closet....a aluminum hard case with lock or a bag with a trigger lock? I have the silicon treated sock already. I won't be mailing it or traveling on an airline. Just simple and safe storage.

For a Remingtion 870 Express.
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DO NOT STORE FIREARMS IN A HARD GUN CASE! This is a very good way of putting in a fine firearm and pulling out a rusted sewer pipe. I understand many people cannot afford a gun vault - I couldn't for many years. My suggestion would be to install the triggerlock [only if there is a possibility of curious fingers finding the gun or local/state laws require it] and store it, barrel down on a soft surface with the action uncocked in the silicon sock.
I second boomer. I found out the hard way (literally) that they need to be stored muzzle down or on their side. While I was away at school my only shotgun at the time stayed at home standing in the corner of a closet on its butt. Four years later, the weight of the gun compressed the recoil pad to the point of being a solid, inflexible, unforgiving chunk of rubber. It might as well have been made of wood. That is how I found out about the Limbsaver recoil pads which work very well, but that is another post. If you shoot your gun(s) as frequently as I do, I think a silicon sock is optional since they are cleaned on a regular basis but if they are going to sit untouched for a while, it is probably a good idea.
Im new in the world of shotguns. I have a 12 gauge mossberg shotgun. I learned by reading that i now need to store it barrel down in the gun case. But what is a silicon sock and if your shooting about once a month do i still need to use the sock.

my thoughts

I don't store any gun in a case, hard or soft, holster or sock. I want air circulation around the gun to keep moisture away and evaporate any moisture that may come in contact with it. I think thats where those little pits come from you find at times, is storage moisture from cloth, leather and foam. I do store mine in the rack on their butt, but I make sure there is no pressure or torque on any parts that might cause a "set" from long storage.
A silicone sock is a lifesaver. Prevents scratches when moving guns around in the safe and knocks down the humidity before it reaches the steel. Get yourself a gun sock, put the gun in it, and store it barrel down, preferrably in a safe!

Wow..just found another great use for a gunsock. Hung one by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be it musta took him an hour to fill that puppy! These things are expando plus I tell ya!

You say you have the treated sock already........put it in the sock and you will have the best way to store it, from what I've been told.;)