Stop-Loss the Movie...

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Ok, I just saw that new movie Stop-Loss, and as a veteran of 2 tours in Iraq myself I just have to say something.

While I can appreciate the point the movie was trying to make. What I dont like is when the character makes his stand on baseless arguements.
"I honored my contract, I expect the Army to do the same"......well guess what???...They are honoring their contract. I guess you didnt read the fine print when you signed it at MEPS explaining stop-loss.

In addition to that, most people who have never served dont realize that, when you sign up for 4 years, youre actually signing up for 8 years. 4 years active, 4 years inactive where you can potentially be recalled to service at anytime in those 4 years. if you sign up for 6, you do 2 years in the inactive reserve.

The other problem I had with the movie was how the character was "stop-lossed". You do not get all the way to your final seperation briefing on your very last day in the service and then find out you have been stop-lossed. It just does NOT happen that way. EVER.

Stop Loss occurs no more than 90 days prior to a deployment and you are Stop-Lossed throughout the deployment and then again 90 more days upon return to complete outprocessing. Start V.A. paperwork, do your medical, and turn in your gear.

I could go on, but those things just really stuck with me. Like I said, I dont have a problem with what the film maker was trying to say. What I do have a problem with is baseing it on fiction and inaccurate portrayals of military procedure. A lot of people will see this movie and immediatley think the Military is this evil entity destroying families.

Maybe Im making a big deal out of nothing, but I'd like to hear everyones opinions who has seen or wants to see this film.
Before this gets locked.

The other problem I had with the movie was how the character was "stop-lossed". You do not get all the way to your final seperation briefing on your very last day in the service and then find out you have been stop-lossed. It just does NOT happen that way. EVER.

Really?....myself and 3 others in my unit got stop lossed while we where clearing. I had already cleared CIF and was told to go back and get a reissue. I've been stop lossed since April 06 and luckly am now on termal leave after 12 years active duty in the 82nd. Anyways, how was the movie really, I'm gonna go check it out this weekend. :)
It's very common for those on the left to take advantage of peoples lack of knowledge. Very common is an understatement.

The bulk of the anti-Operation Iraqi Freedom crowd's positions are based on something between misrepresentation to flat 'untruths'.

-Bush claimed Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11
-The goals in OIF keep changing
-Iraq is still a 'quagmire'
-The US is forcing American values on Iraqis
-The US effort in OIF - or anywhere - is why terrorists do what they do.

It speaks alot to the left's message, and more on their messengers, when such approaches are taken. If they REALLY wanted OIF ended on moral grounds they simply wouldn't fund it.

What is mystifying to me about it is that those on the left that allow themselves to believe such things and form their opinions based on them, will STILL hold the opinion after the truth is shown to them. Even continue repeating them. It is as if those on the left would rather believe the sophistry then the facts. Or maybe those on the left think it's OK as long as others believe it and it advances the left's political perspective. Keep throwing till something sticks approach. 'I don't care if it's true, I believe it, and my opinion is as important as anything else' kind of thinking.

The left approaches advancing their political perspective this way because they actually believe that other people are stupid. Either that or they think themselves very smart and that this approach is oh so clever that others won't realize what they are doing when in reality most people do see through it. The response to people that do seeing through it and challenge it is usually hostility. To either shout them down or some other behavior that is so repellent that most just avoid the discussion. Hardly smart or clever, but it can be effective. Either agree, shut up, or face beligerence. Very enlighted.

..........and they wonder why 'liberal' has become a label to be avoided to the point of changing over to 'progressive' to appear less repellent.

Sorry for the rant but going through the huge effort of making a movie that misrepresents the military and portraying a soldier to do it for the purpose of hurting the perception of the military for political gain and pretending it's to reveal lies and moral inequities just irritates me to no end.
Funny, the right has held onto many of their beliefs, and have said they believe it to be true, even after the facts have clearly shown them that they're wrong.

This left vs. right BS has gone too far. We ought to be more concerned about what is right for America, as opposed to adhering to devisive labels.
Haven't seen the movie, and I wasn't stop-lossed (got booted after my 5 yrs active Navy on medical unfortunately) or know anyone who was, and I'm sure that whether you get 10 minutes warning or 6 months, it's got to suck bad, but, anyone who didnt realize it can happen should learn to read things before they sign them them, and if they dont like it, should not join.Sory, I dont mean to be unsympathetic, but is just like the guys who would complain about, and try to avoid, doing thier 6+ months at a time on a floating tin can at's no secret, and it's spelled out clearly in writing before you join.To dumb or lazy to read, use some common sense and ask quesions before you sign up, and I have a hard time being sympathetic.Anyone who joins the MILITARY, and then complains about having to fight, go to a foreign county, go to sea, etc, saying they "didnt know", or "didnt realize", or that t "wont happen to me" is either a liar or a total moron.
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