Paul Revere

New member
Last night while shopping for Thanksgiving Dinner at a local "Whole Foods" store, the bagger at the check out line had a very interesting T-shirt on. Now before I go and tell you what it said, let me describe the store and the area. Whole Foods is one of these upscale organic everything yuppified shopping meccas, whereby the store employees are mostly high school and college kids who drive VW Vanagons and bugs and look like they are hippies. Typically adorned with multiple piercings and dreadlocks or dark facial paint, these employees seem to be allowed an extended latitude for work attire. And on top of all of this, at the nearby Super Crown Books, you cannot even find a copy of Guns & Ammo or ANY hunting magazines! God help us!

So, now you can see why I was so surprised when I asked the bagger (a high school aged girl) for double paper and noticed her T-shirt. It said..."STOP CRIME, SHOOT THE BASTARDS!" and it illustrated a Glock pistol in someone's hand pointed out of the T-shirt.

I couldn't help but making it clear that I thought her T-shirt was great. She said that most people only read the top part that says "STOP CRIME" and think she's politically correct and kinda cool. I told her (and the scarey looking witchlike checkout girl) that my take on gun control was being able to hit your target.

I thanked her for bagging, and again complimented her choice of T-shirt message. I guess our teens aren't so lost after all.
One can only hope that a few will reject the liberal rhetoric and begin to reverse this trend of demonizing gun owners.

Thanks for the post.


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You cant judge a book by its cover...
The couple I took to the gun show has more metal in them than a platton of fragged vets. Yet they are very pro-gun RKBA.
It aint the look - its the mind.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called: