Stop Congress from Ending Gun Shows

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Call your Representatives and Senators and call the offices
of the congressman appointed to the conference committee.
Insist that the final Juvenile Justice Bill contains NO
PROVISIONS against guns and gun shows.

Point out to them what if just one of the women Yosemite
Murder victims had a concealed gun the murders could have
been stopped. What if just one of these Atlanta victims
assaulted had a firearm to stop this murderous assault?

SHOWS NATIONWIDE Congressional Oversight Apparently
No Longer An Issue In what seemed like an arbitrary and
capricious attack on U.S. commerce, the FBI, without
warning, closed gun shows and the firearms business in
general on Sunday, by turning off its national instant
background check system (NICS) for the day.)

The Juvenile Justice Bill now in conference contains
provisions which in practical terms will put an end to gun
shows and which will follow private sales at gun shows. It is
the registration of sale of firearms. Registration is the one
think that makes confiscation possible. The only reason the
anti gun politicians can steal the guns is that they have a
record of firearms ownership. GET BETWEEN THESE

You are advised to call your congressperson at the following
toll-free numbers US Capitol Switchboard 1-888-449-3511
You can also call them using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-
E-Mail Link To The U.S. Congress.
To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 1-800-828-2882
For the latest happenings at NRA contact
For legislative updates contact and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"

SENATE conferees
Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)
Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.)
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)

HOUSE conferees - Fourteen (the majority of them anti-gun)
are specifically authorized to discuss the gun sections.
Republicans Henry Hyde (Ill.)
Bill McCollum (Fla.)
George Gekas (Pa.)
Howard Coble (N.C.)
Lamar Smith (Tex.)
Charles Canady (Fla.),
Bob Barr (Ga.)
Democrats John Conyers (Mich.)
Barney Frank (Mass.),
Robert Scott (Va.)
Howard Berman (Calif.)
Zoe Lofgren (Calif.),
plus substitutes on some gun issues
Sheila Jackson-Lee (Tex.)
Marty Meehan (Mass.).

HOUSE conferees - The dozen not authorized to vote on gun
issues are
Bill Goodling (Pa.)
Tom Petri (Wis.)
Mike Castle (Del.)
Jim Greenwood (Pa.)
Jim DeMint (S.C.)
William Clay (Mo.)
Dale Kildee (Mich.)
Carolyn McCarthy (NY)
William Bliley (Va.)
John Dingell (Mich.)
Mike Bilirakis (Fla.)
Billy Tauzin (La.)

Neal Knox - House Appoints Juv. Justice Conferees The
House appointed 26conferees to the House-Senate
conference on H.R. 1501, the Juvenile Justice bill. The
Senate appointed five on Wednesday.

The House also voted 305-84 in favor of a motion by
Judiciary Committee Ranking Democrat John Conyers,
instructing the conferees to support a background check on
all gun show sales but which does not "weaken the
effectiveness of existing checks" or existing law, that all
conference sessions be open, that amendments be allowed
(raising the question whether Conyers intends to stack on
something like one-handgun-per-month), and report a
compromise bill before next week's adjournment for the rest
of August.

It's most unlikely that the conference committee would move
that quickly. All such instructions are eyewash; the Senate
also insisted on its version, as is usual.

While the anti-gun crowd is calling for immediate action,
nothing is likely to be agreed in conference until well after
Labor Day. Then both Houses must agree to their version
before the bill would go to President Clinton, who is
threatening to veto anything less than the Senate-passed gun

Interestingly, opponents of Conyers' motion included Majority
Leader Richard Armey, Majority Whip Tom Delay and GOP
Conference Chairman J.C. Watts.

Fourteen of the conferees -- the majority of them anti-gun --
are specifically authorized to discuss the gun sections. They
are Republicans Henry Hyde (Ill.), Bill McCollum (Fla.),
George Gekas (Pa.), Howard Coble (N.C.), Lamar Smith
(Tex.), Charles Canady (Fla.), Bob Barr (Ga.); Democrats
John Conyers (Mich.), Barney Frank (Mass.), Robert Scott
(Va.), Howard Berman (Calif.), and Zoe Lofgren (Calif.), plus
substitutes on some gun issues Sheila Jackson-Lee (Tex.)
and Marty Meehan (Mass.).

The dozen not authorized to vote on gun issues are Bill
Goodling (Pa.), Tom Petri (Wis.), Mike Castle (Del.), Jim
Greenwood (Pa.), Jim DeMint (S.C.), William Clay (Mo.),
Dale Kildee (Mich.), Carolyn McCarthy (NY). William Bliley
(Va.), John Dingell (Mich.), Mike Bilirakis (Fla.) and Billy
Tauzin (La.)

Both Reps. Dingell and McCarthy authored gun show
amendments that were accepted and rejected, respectively,
but not included in the final bill.

Usually on a massive, multi-part bill like this one, the
conferees meet several times, and members participate in
discussions in which they are authorized or particularly

I checked with the Speaker's office, Judiciary Committee and
Mr. Dingell's office trying to determine if Mr. Dingell and Mrs.
McCarthy will be allowed to speak on the gun issues. I was
told it will be up to the conference committee when they

Thank goodness the Atlanta killer committed suicide when he
was cornered by police at a gas station. Instead of
endangering anyone else, he performed the incredible feat of
simultaneously shooting himself in the head with two guns.

We've still heard nothing about where he got the guns he
apparently used during the office killings, a Glock 9mm and
Colt .45ACP ("which together hold 24 rounds," the press
happily tells us). And there are reports that he had two other
guns in his car when stopped by police.

But we now know that he used a hammer to beat to death his
present wife and two children, and that he was the primary
suspect -- but was never charged -- with hacking to death his
first wife and her mother in 1993.

I wonder how many blows were left in that hammer?

The 2ndAmendmentNews Team
The way to protect your own rights is to protect the rights of
others. Our right to own and use firearms is under attack.
This list was created in a hurry due to the emergency
presented by anti-gun politicians and the media dancing in
the blood of those who died in the recent massacre.

We receive e-mail addresses from various sources that
represent the recipients as receptive to our timely, low-to-
moderate volume gun-rights-related alerts (generally no more
than weekly, never more than daily, depending on legislative
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Cordially Yours,
The 2ndAmendmentNews Team

2ndAmendmentNews is published by volunteer activists who
support the full original individual rights intent of the 2nd
Amendment and oppose any appeasement on gun rights.
The moderators include Chris Behanna, Weldon Clark (an
NRA director), Russ Howard (past NRA director) and Steve

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from
us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down
and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set
lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our
countrymen. -- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia
State House, August 1, 1776.
Just an aside here. As much as I oppose the Juvenile "Justice" Bill, it will NOT end gun shows. Some of the biggest gun shows in the country take place in California, which has had a multi-day wait (something around two weeks, the exact length escapes me) on gun purchases for years now. Requiring NICS checks on private sales will NOT end gun shows.
it will not end gun show's YET if you feel that this is the end of gun law admendment's forget about it. once the anti's get something like this they will go for it all. just look at sb23? in calif. suppose i want to take my rifle or handgun to a show to see if i can trade it in for something newer. if i do not get another one and leave with the same one i came in with, will i not be permitted to leave since i did not have a b/ground check? and who will be responsible for the check? more anti propaganda under the guise of "for the children"
Jim, puh-LEASE. Kalifornia already has strict laws against private sales, and yet they still have huge gun shows there. There are methods used to make sure you only leave with the guns you arrived with unless you have a receipt from a dealer showing you traded them, sold them or bought something else.
The proposed laws are bad enough by themselves without engaging in hyperbole.