stolen gun

Joe Portale

New member
I know that this won't really do any good, but I thought the more people know the better.

After returning from a weekend getaway with Mrs. Sidewinder, we returned home to find that out house was burlarized. We lost very little of great monetary value. The loss was expensive sentimentally and emotional for my wife. She was more upset over the junk jewelry that I had bought her during those years when we were just starting and had no money, than the diamonds. Anyway, I assume it was either kids or a druggy, since they walked past big things; things of high dollar value (easily identified) and took things that could be easily pawned. Which leads me to the point of this message, I had two pistols stolen from my house in Tucson, AZ.

Model #19 Smith and Wesson serial # 1K39833
and a Davis derrenger style pistol. The Davis is a model D32-mag, serial number D072178 in 32H&R.

I know that the chances of any of the good people on this list coming up with this guns is remote. I'm simply trying to do what I can to get these away from the bottom feeder that took them.

Right now, I am very grateful that no one was home when this happened. Yet, it would sure would be nice to have about five minutes alone with the little mutant in a closed
room. Thanks.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
Joe, you might want to mention this to the folks at Brassroots in Tucson as well -

Sorry to hear about your loss. If you don't mind me asking (from a perspective of avoiding similar problems), how did they find the pistols?
Send that info to ALL THE PAWNSHOPS in your area, and make darn sure the police know that those are YOUR guns. If the kid(s) try to pawn them, its a short road to jail.

You are probably right because a pro wouldn't touch your guns they are too easily traceable, and if it were pros they would have left nothing behind.


Sorry for the hassles.

Call me paranoid, but if I were you I'd print this thread out...seal in an envelope and mail it to yourself, keep it unopened in a safe place.
Why? Living in socialist republic of California as I do, it seems it couldn't hurt in my defense when in 10 yrs the dirtbag uses the guns in a crime and someone sues me for having once owned it ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Thanks for all the replies. I'll try to answr the questions in order.

Jeff Thomas, Thanks for the heads up. I will forward the info to the Brass Roots folks. I know several of them, good people all.

Doctor Rob, I am planning a trip to the pawn shops in town. But, I don't think that is where it will show up. The underground here in Tucson runs deep and straight into Mexico. The gun will be recovered by the police some day, in a drug raid or something similar. The cops have the record of the gun, so I in the clear if it does show up under criminal circumstances.

DC, thanks for the advise. I printed this as soon as I read your suggestion. It will be in the safety deosit box by tomorrow morning.

Okay, how did it happen. The answer is simple, I got stupid. My wife and I where heading to Utah for a few days. Since we were driving, we decided to bring the 19 as a take along gun. As things happen, we both forgot to grab the gun on the way out as we left. So the pistol was sitting in a drawer in the bedroom. The Davis was a gift for my wife. She shot it a few times, decided it didn't give a big enough bang, stuck that in a drawer and promptly forgot it was there. The rest of our firearms were safely tucked in a gun safe.

A funny side note is the bad guy took the model 19 and the .32 derringer is a moron. He got into my ammo cabinet, that ***I*** stupidly (okay I'm a moron, also) left unlocked. The BD left two full boxes of .357 silvertips, a new box of Federal .32 H&R. Instead he stole a third of a box of fmj .45ACP 230 grain and a old cracked plastic faced hammer. I was listening all night for the sound of a bang coming from the wash as the idiot tried to pound the .45's into the Smith. :)

Joe, you're an honest guy - thanks for the story. Without prying too deeply, I was of course interested in how hard a bozo like this would search. All of us have gun safes and / or hiding places for weapons, so I was curious if this guy took that much time.

We've all been there.

Not a firearms story, but I was once ripped off in a funny way. Left my Jeep parked in front of my girlfriend's (now wife) apartment. When I went out the next morning I couldn't get it in gear - any gear. No 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or reverse. I wondered how the tranny had gone bad overnight. When I crawled underneath the Jeep I found the problem - some bozo had stolen my driveshaft! ;) I put it in 4 wheel drive, and drove home on the front axle. ;)
Well Joe that sure bites, but have heart I once purchased a mdl 19 4" from a gun store and had to send it to smith to do some minor work and the durn thing turned up stolen, the owner of the gun store had received the pistol, which had been found under the boards of a burned building in ky, to rebuild and had sent it back to the factory and had it refurbished, when I sent it back after shooting it a few times thats when they found out it had been stolen and the pistol was eventually returned to its rightful owner (durn gun looked brand new, and of course had a slick action and was a "good shooter"), I got to pick another pistola so I really lost nothing...fubsy.
From your description of the theft and what was NOT taken, it sounds like kids are your buglars. You might want to canvas your neighborhood and especially anyone who knows you and the inside of your house.

I was burglarized last year on Halloween morning. I was in the hospital (last day of a five day stay) and my wife was out on her Saturday morning walk. The BG climbed in a window and got three pistols and all of my wife's gold from the jewlery box.

One pistol, my sweet Para-Ordinace P-13, was recovered across the river in the people's republic of Maryland. The three fine fellows who were in the "borrowed" car at the time are in prision and the State's Atorney is deciding if I deserve to have my gun returned to me. The cop who found it has been very helpful, but it is not in his hands. They want to run a complete background check on me to see if I am legally allowed to own it anymore. I have six state CCW permits and the local PD knows me well, but that doesn't mean a thing to the PRM. I love red tape and I'll probably be asked to pay for it.

[This message has been edited by Libertarian (edited December 08, 1999).]
If your guns happen to make it to a pawn shop you will recover them (if the shop is on the up and up.) All stolen guns go into a national FBI database. When pawnbrokers receive guns or other articles for pawn, they are required to report the details of each item (and the details of who pawned it) to the local constabulary. These records get entered in the same FBI database by the PD. If your gun gets entered as stolen, and it's already been pawned, there will be a "hit." If your gun gets entered as pawned and it's already been entered as stolen, there will be a "hit." Either way you're covered.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
As is already mentioned, some suspects must immediately come to mind. However, that don't mean doodley as far as "evidence" goes. Back when, my bride bought me a killer tool set for Xmas, weighed close to 200 lbs, cost plenty. So of course she had it delivered, just put it down in the garage behind the car, I'll do something about wrapping it later (I knew about it anyway, no big secret).

So about 3 days before Xmas day, with me, my wife, and houseguests in the house at the time, in broad daylight, that tool set and nothing else is stolen from that spot, where it was not visible from the street. This is, btw, as in I saw it there in the morning and it was gone in the afternoon. Hadn't even unwrapped the individual tools and put them in the chests. There were other valuable items within a few feet, which were untouched.

So, like, do we have a clue who stole it? I sure do, but that wasn't considered even a strong enough likelihood to question him. So I bought another one and carried it out myself.