stoeger side by side.


ihave a stoeger side by side 12 ga that is at least 40 years old.If you open the gun and shut it the safety will engage.if you take the safety off and do not fire it you cannot put it back on safety.any ideas?
You could. But the primers still might be ready to go. Point the gun in a safe direction and get help. I suggest a thorough gunsmith inspection
You can put the safety back. But the shells might still fire. I wouldnt say oh the safety is on the guns safe. No its not.
"if you take the safety off and do not fire it you cannot put it back on safety.any ideas?"

The gun isn't functioning properly. Have it looked at by a gunsmith.
oregunner + 1

The first part of your explaination, is in order. The last part is definitely not. ... :(

Be Safe !!!
my explanation may have been alittle confusing.if you load the gun to shoot it and put the safety in the fire position you cannot return it to the safety position.