Stoeger parts?


New member
Is it possible to purchase a new barrel & stock from stoeger ? I have a 12g couch gun that Id like to switch up to a BlAck stock & maybe that new Double deffense Barrel ..... what ya think ? I was hopeing that this would'nt be a issue cause A. I cant justify another couch gun to my wife & B . I have other guns I want to buy & hopefully this would save me in cost???
If you're trying to imitate their new HD gun, you can paint your stock black like they did; for the barrels, why not use what you have - they're short enough at 20"
I dont really want to mess with the parts I have & not be able to return it to its OG status later if I want ..

main part would be replacing the little bead on the end with the nice neon night sight the DD couch gun has ... Also the ported barrel .. Rails .. Exe .. exe ... lets say later on Im not in the Tacticool phaze im in know & want a more classic look again .... :rolleyes:

I wouldnt want to try & do all that to my stock barrel
Personally, the last thing I'd want on an HD gun is a ported barrel or barrels. The sound and flash at night in a house will be bad enough - that will only make it worse, especially for you.........I also prefer as little extra "stuff" on mine - just more to snag, get broken, throw off the weight, etc....... just my opinion, YMMV