I picked up a sweet little Stoeger SXS. Its now my favorite 12 gauge. Just wondering how these hold up over time, I've heard the firing pins tend to go and wondering if I should buy a set of them or if its overrate? Thanks all,
I used to own a Spanish O/U imported by Stoeger and had to make my own firing pins, because the originals were so soft, they mushroomed after several rounds of trap (50-75 shots).
My cousin shot (I believe) two of them loose. Some major part (welded bracket?) that holds them together so he switched to a different gun. I can't remember what he went to. I love mine. He was shooting in about 3 shoots each month on a pretty steady basis. He claims they don't hold up to heavy use. YMMV as has mine but I could only wish to shoot in 3 matches a month.
I actually just got back to the range with my Stoeger and had some light primer strikes and no bang with remington ammo. No problem at all with my federal ammo, what gives?
That often occurs with some rim fire guns and ammo too if the firing pin strikes are marginal or if the primed brass rims are troublesome. It particularly happens with rim fire revolvers if the mainspring could use adjustment or if the .22 brass doesn't match up well with the chambers.
I once even saw a troublesome budget Maverick shotgun that's made by Mossberg have a similar misfire problem with many different ammo's. That shottie happened to have a very tight chamber.
So even if the Remington ammo does have slightly harder primers, then stick with the ammo that works the best and is the most reliable. It could just be that batch of Remington shells but if Federal works, then do what they would do in Rome and shoot with that exclusively.