Stock swap affecting trigger


New member
I have a savage 110 hunter 7mm-08 that I have recently changed the original stock out with a Boyds stock. Boyds only offers the 110 in long action but when I contacted them they said I needed to order a stock for a model 10 and that they are interchangeable.

This is not my first stock from Boyds and apon purchasing this stock I fully expect to do slight mods to make it fit my specific firearm. When I received the stock I had to make slight modifications to my trigger guard to make it fit in the cutout and cleaned up some of the rough spots before setting the action in the stock.

I had to remove some of the trigger well as it was jamming up the lever that releases the bolt. The front action screw is a bit to long and contacts the bolt so I'll need to get a shorter screw, no big deal. The biggest problem that I can't figure out is the bolt won't go down when the rear action screw is torqued down. I can pull the trigger and start to drop the bolt but it will stop in the same spot, the bolt is not contacting any of the stock. When I do this and release the trigger the accu trigger is stuck in until i wiggle the trigger. When it does pop out it moves down from the trigger itself and I have to touch it to pop it back in place.

I'm sure it's something interfering with the trigger assembly but I can't see it when the action is in the stock and I don't see any witnesses marks on the stock. I don't wanna just blindy go in and remove wood until I make it work and haven't been able to replicate this with the action out of the stock to figure out where to start.

Does anyone know what part of the trigger assembly would be getting bound up or interfered with to cause the bolt and trigger issues?
Quick way to determine if the action screws are too long is to put a small washer(s) on the action screws and torque them down. Adjust accordingly.

You could put some blue painters tape into the trigger well and then insert the action into the stock, and see if/where the tape is mangled, etc., to see where the obstruction is.
Boyd and/or Savage can help

Does anyone know what part of the trigger assembly would be getting bound up or interfered with to cause the bolt and trigger issues?
I could ask a few pointless questions as I'm not completely familiar with your project. ...... :rolleyes:

So far, I have done three stock swaps; from Savage to factory issued Boyds. One project did invloved your Savage model. On my first project I had to stop and consult with Boyds and had to order new trigger guard and associated hardware. On the following Savage/Boyd projects, I touched base with Boyd, even spoke to their tech support guys and ran with it. You are dealig with two great companies and they have been very helpful in working through these project. Would also add that I have hot had to do any fitting. Talk with these folks as they would be more than willing to help. ... ;)

Be Safe
Had more time to fiddle with it today after work. Found that the wood right above the screw that holds the trigger guard in (not the action screw) was just a bit high and was pushing on the back of the accutrigger itself. Little bit of drimmel work and everything fit right up. Still need to get a shorter screw for the front action screw but that's simple enough.

Pahoo, I modified the trigger guard to fit the stock instead of buying new. As far as the other modifications I have had to make, we got a stock for my youngest son's axis. It pretty much was just plug & play, just smooth out some rough spots that made the fit really tight, like rubber mallet to get it apart tight. The other was a Win 70 that I had to tweek the trigger guard to make fit and sand a bit out of the trigger well because the trigger was dragging on the wood stiffening the trigger pull about 4lbs